Book 7 Crafting Instances by KatashiTakishiro |
To start off there are 6 crafting instances separated in pairs of 2, {based on the crafting materials you can get} in 3 different location in Moria. I myself was confused how this worked at first but I figured it out with a bit of trial & error!
At each pair of crafting instances there are 3 NPCs. Two have 3 quests each for the door/instance they're standing next too as well as the Barter screen {on the left} you'll see below in the 1st image! Each quest you successfully complete will reward you with 1 [Iron Garrison Resource Token]! Overall; you can earn 3 {IGRTs} from each of the 6 CIs for a total of 18 every 24 hrs.
The 3rd NPC only has the Barter screen {on the right} of which you can trade 3 [Iron Garrison Resource Tokens] in for 1 [Lothlorien Gold Leaf] {Which are exceptionally valuable!} If you choose to trade the IGRTs in from each CI, you can earn a total of 6 [Lothlorien Gold Leaf] every 24 hrs.

I've gotten alot of whispers/PMs about how the timers work so here goes. There are 18 daily quests, {as in every 24 hrs} that you can do, which reward what I explained above! Also when you enter each CI, you'll get a msg that said instance will reset in so many days/hrs/min of which they do 2 times a week. These timers have nothing to do with the quests, but everything to do with the crafting nodes. The nodes only reset when the instances do, but you can still re-run the CIs the next day and complete the quests again, but the nodes won't be there whether you harvest them or not. So if you run the instances and don't harvest them and then leave, when you return the next day they will have de-spawned and you have to wait until it resets before they will appear again!
One last thing you'll discover is that each time you enter or run one of these CIs, the enemies will randomly change and so will the bosses! Of the 12 times I've run these CIs so far I've encountered the Skergrim, Orc/Goblins, Merroval, and each either had a repeat boss, or a similar looking one with a different name!
As described above; there are 3 quests for each CI and of them 2 are "Kill 20 Enemies" & "Kill the Boss". The 3rd quest is a "Gathering X# of Items" of which you can pick up off the ground and/or drop from enemies!
The 2 Killing Quests reward Iron Garrison Guard Reputation!
The 1 Gathering Quest rewards Iron Garrison Miners Reputation!
Its now been pretty much confirmed that none of the enemies in any of the 6 CIs give reputation for the Guards or Miners...only the quests!
As a finale; a recap of everything above:
- There are 6 Crafting Instances;{CIs} with a total of 18 quests combined!
- Each CI can be run once every 24hrs!
- Crafting Nodes will re-spawn/reset every 3 days!
- Not mentioned above, but quite a bit of Tailor; [Extraordinary Hides] will drop also!
- You can earn [18 Iron Garrison Resource Tokens] every 24 hours!
- You can trade in those 18 IGRT and earn [6 Lothlorien Gold Leaf] every 24 hrs!
All the Barter Rewards inside Caras Galadhon; almost all of them but mainly the really good Teal Jewelry, Galadhrim Horse, Legendary Boxes, etc all require a minimum of [30-35 Lothlorien Gold Leaf] as well as [50 Lothlorien Silver Branch] each. So now you can see how valuable those [Lothlorien Gold Leaf] are, considering you can only earn a maximum of 6 every 24 hrs. One thing to mention that Turbine did to get us started off on a good note, when you first gain access to Caras Galadhon there are many quests inside that you can earn [18 Lothlorien Gold Leaf] from, but only 1 time! Afterwards you can only earn them from doing the CIs...
...and the [Lothlorien Silver Branches], can be earned from the quests all over Lothlorien in increments of 1-3 over and over from original 1-time only & repeat quests...
Just checked all the Repeatable Quests in Lothlorien; all of which are on 24hr cool-downs. You can earn [31 Lothlorien Silver Branch] every 24hrs! There are also originally a gain of some [70-85+ Lothlorien Silver Branch] from non-repeatable, 1st time quests!

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Here is a list of all the best barter items that require [Lothlorien Gold Leaf] & [Lothlorien Silver Branch] as payment to acquire! There are several more like recipes, potions, housing items, clothing, instruments & cloaks.
All of those however, only require the [Lothlorien Silver Branch] which are rather easy to acquire in large amounts over a much shorter period of time than the [Lothlorien Gold Leaf]!
[Earring of the Golden Wood] ~ [15 Lothlorien Gold Leaf] & [50 Lothlorien Silver Branch]
[Ring of Caras Galadhon] ~ [15 Lothlorien Gold Leaf] & [50 Lothlorien Silver Branch]
[Earring of the Dreamflower] ~ [15 Lothlorien Gold Leaf] & [50 Lothlorien Silver Branch]
[Wristlet of Laurelindorenan] ~ [15 Lothlorien Gold Leaf] & [50 Lothlorien Silver Branch]
[Lothlorien Protectors Locket] ~ [15 Lothlorien Gold Leaf] & [50 Lothlorien Silver Branch]

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[Ring of the Golden Wood] ~ [15 Lothlorien Gold Leaf] & [50 Lothlorien Silver Branch]
[Earring of Caras Galadhon] ~ [15 Lothlorien Gold Leaf] & [50 Lothlorien Silver Branch]
[Ring of the Dreamflower] ~ [15 Lothlorien Gold Leaf] & [50 Lothlorien Silver Branch]
[Lothlorien Protector's Manacle] ~ [15 Lothlorien Gold Leaf] & [50 Lothlorien Silver Branch]
[Choker of Laurelindorenan] ~ [15 Lothlorien Gold Leaf] & [50 Lothlorien Silver Branch]

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[Lothlorien Burglar's Gift Box] ~ [35 Lothlorien Gold Leaf] & [50 Lothlorien Silver Branch]
[Lothlorien Champion's Gift Box] ~ [35 Lothlorien Gold Leaf] & [50 Lothlorien Silver Branch]
[Lothlorien Minstrel's Gift Box] ~ [35 Lothlorien Gold Leaf] & [50 Lothlorien Silver Branch]
[Lothlorien Lore-Master's Gift Box] ~ [35 Lothlorien Gold Leaf] & [50 Lothlorien Silver Branch]
[Lothlorien Rune-Keeper's Gift Box] ~ [35 Lothlorien Gold Leaf] & [50 Lothlorien Silver Branch]
[Lothlorien Captain's Gift Box] ~ [35 Lothlorien Gold Leaf] & [50 Lothlorien Silver Branch]
[Lothlorien Guardian's Gift Box] ~ [35 Lothlorien Gold Leaf] & [50 Lothlorien Silver Branch]
[Lothlorien Hunter's Gift Box] ~ [35 Lothlorien Gold Leaf] & [50 Lothlorien Silver Branch]
[Lothlorien Warden's Gift Box] ~ [35 Lothlorien Gold Leaf] & [50 Lothlorien Silver Branch]

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[Galadhrim Horse] ~ [30 Lothlorien Gold Leaf] & [50 Lothlorien Silver Branch]
[Galadhrim Pony] ~ [30 Lothlorien Gold Leaf] & [50 Lothlorien Silver Branch]
[Lorien Rally Horn] ~ [1 Lothlorien Gold Leaf] & [20 Lothlorien Silver Branch]
[Lothlorien Survival Guide] ~ [1 Lothlorien Gold Leaf] & [20 Lothlorien Silver Branch]
[Defender of the Golden Wood] ~ [20 Lothlorien Gold Leaf] & [60 Lothlorien Silver Branch]
[Inscription of Benefits] ~ [25 Lothlorien Gold Leaf] & [50 Lothlorien Silver Branch]
[Wildlife of Middle Earth] ~ [1 Lothlorien Gold Leaf] & [20 Lothlorien Silver Branch]
[Tinderbox] ~ [1 Lothlorien Gold Leaf] & [20 Lothlorien Silver Branch]

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Here are all the quests that you can earn [Lothlorien Silver Branch] from; {a total of 31 every 24hrs!}
At least I'm pretty sure this is all of them, but I could be wrong...and as far as the 4 Lothlorien Preparations quests go; after the event is done and we get the counter to 600/600 I don't know if they'll still be available or maybe even be replaced by new quests. Who knows but if they do end, thats a total of 12 coins you won't be able to get anymore!

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