Only monster characters can directly earn Destiny Points in the Ettenmoors, but both your monster character and your Free Peoples characters will share and benefit from this point pool. Destiny Points can be used to purchase new skills, improvements to armour, extra damage, and so forth for your monster character. In addition, Free Peoples characters can spend them on Perks. Destiny Points appear on the main character page of your Character Journal for both monster characters and Free Peoples characters. Additionally, you will see a handy UI window appear after level 10 showing you how many Destiny Points you currently have, and a button allowing you to buy Perks wherever and whenever you like (with your player character).
Destiny Points are a powerful currency that you can spend on your Monster and Hero characters. Because they accumulate at the account-level, the points are independent of any individual character. This means that you can spend points that you earned as a Warg on either your Warg monster or (for instance) your Hobbit Burglar. Destiny Points appear on the main Character page of your Character Journal for both Monsters and Heroes.

Monsters can earn Destiny Points by completing quests, killing NPCs, and killing player-controlled Heroes. These Destiny Points are the primary form of Monster advancement. These points can then be spent, as a currency, on all kinds of upgrades for your monster. For example, your Uruk Warleader can use Destiny Points to buy more armour, new skills, powerful Traits, and even appearance improvements such as warpaint. In addition to showing your Monster's progress with appearance and equipment, your portrait's circle on the Vitals bar will also change. Just as with regular monsters in Middle-earth, your monster begins life with a green portrait circle showing you as a "Swarm" level creature. As you buy more skills and Traits, you will eventually advance to "Normal" (shown in blue) and finally to "Signature" (shown in red).
Your standard Hero character can also benefit from Destiny Points. However, they can only earn Destiny Points by leveling past level 10. Heroes are allowed to spend Destiny Points on Destiny Point Perks, which are temporary buffs that can be used to boost your strength, add to your speed, and even give you more experience points. Once you reach Level 10, a small box appears in the lower right of your screen, displaying your current point total. Click on Spend Destiny to display a list of available Destiny Point Perks. You are given a few Destiny Points to start out with, but the best way to acquire them is through Monster Play.
Each category of Destiny Point Perks has a limit of '5 uses', meaning that you can only purchase a perk of that category five times. These uses recover at a rate of 1 per day.
You can spend Destiny Point Perks on 7 categories: Enhanced XP, Run Speed, Recovery, Hope, Morale, Power, Armour.

Enhanced XP
Name | Cost | Level | Uses | Description |
Accelerated Experience | 250 | 10 | 5 | Grants you Enhanced XP, temporarily increasing the experience you gain for defeating enemies. |
Run Speed
Name | Cost | Level | Uses | Description |
Burst of Swiftness | 50 | 10 | 5 | Provides a temporary increase to your movement speed. Adds 5.0% to Run Speed. Lasts for 5 m. |
Sustained Swiftness | 250 | 10 | 5 | Provides a temporary increase to your movement speed. Adds 5.0% to Run Speed. Lasts for 15 m. |
Continuing Swiftness | 1000 | 10 | 5 | Provides a temporary increase to your movement speed. Adds 5.0% to Run Speed. Lasts for 30 m. |

Name | Cost | Level | Uses | Description |
Burst of Recovery | 50 | 10 | 5 | Provides a temporary increase to your recovery of morale and power out of combat. Adds 14.9 to Power Regeneration in non-Combat. Adds 12.3 to Morale Regeneration in non-Combat. Lasts for 5 m |
Sustained Recovery | 250 | 10 | 5 | Provides a temporary increase to your recovery of morale and power out of combat. Adds 14.9 to Power Regeneration in non-Combat. Adds 12.3 to Morale Regeneration in non-Combat. Lasts for 15 m |
Continuing Recovery | 1000 | 10 | 5 | Provides a temporary increase to your recovery of morale and power out of combat. Adds 14.9 to Power Regeneration in non-Combat. Adds 12.3 to Morale Regeneration in non-Combat. Lasts for 30 m |

Name | Cost | Level | Uses | Description |
Burst of Hope | 50 | 10 | 5 | Provides a temporary increase to your hope. Adds 1 to Hope. Lasts for 5 m |
Sustained Hope | 250 | 10 | 5 | Provides a temporary increase to your hope. Adds 1 to Hope. Lasts for 15 m |
Continuing Hope | 1000 | 10 | 5 | Provides a temporary increase to your hope. Adds 1 to Hope. Lasts for 30 m |

Name | Cost | Level | Uses | Description |
Initiate Resolve | 125 | 10 | 5 | Provides a temporary increase to your maximum morale. Adds 149.0 to Max Morale. Lasts for 5 m |
Accomplished Resolve | 500 | 20 | 5 | Provides a temporary increase to your maximum morale. Adds 215.0 to Max Morale. Lasts for 15 m |
Experienced Resolve | 1500 | 30 | 5 | Provides a temporary increase to your maximum morale. Adds 246.0 to Max Morale. Lasts for 30 m |
Veteran Resolve | 3000 | 40 | 5 | Provides a temporary increase to your maximum morale. Adds 262.0 to Max Morale. Lasts for 45 m |

Name | Cost | Level | Uses | Description |
Initiate Vigour | 125 | 10 | 5 | Provides a temporary increase to your maximum power. Adds 95.0 to Power Max. Lasts for 5 m |
Accomplished Vigour | 500 | 20 | 5 | Provides a temporary increase to your maximum power. Adds 131.0 to Power Max. Lasts for 15 m |
Experienced Vigour | 1500 | 30 | 5 | Provides a temporary increase to your maximum power. Adds 146.0 to Power Max. Lasts for 30 m |
Veteran Vigour | 3000 | 40 | 5 | Provides a temporary increase to your maximum power. Adds 153.0 to Power Max. Lasts for 45 m |

Name | Cost | Level | Uses | Description |
Initiate Fortitude | 125 | 10 | 5 | Provides a temporary increase to the effectiveness of your armour. Adds 83 to Armour Value. Lasts for 5 m |
Accomplished Fortitude | 500 | 20 | 5 | Provides a temporary increase to the effectiveness of your armour. Adds 96 to Armour Value. Lasts for 15 m |
Experienced Fortitude | 1500 | 30 | 5 | Provides a temporary increase to the effectiveness of your armour. Adds 105 to Armour Value. Lasts for 30 m |
Veteran Fortitude | 3000 | 40 | 5 | Provides a temporary increase to the effectiveness of your armour. Adds 113 to Armour Value. Lasts for 45 m |
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