Eregion Deeds by Catagory
by nikito , Larriel
As you look at the deed information, I have the name first, then the rewards to the right of it. Also, as you can tell the stuff is color coded. I tried to use colors to help with ease of finding. Red is a major category i.e. Explorer, Slayer. Yellow is a sub category, i.e. instance name. Green are titles. Blue are virtues. If you see a ? next to a number, it means that this was not confirmed but only assumed. Also, some deeds I did not get the specific bosses/things to pick-up to finish the deed, only just the rewards and if it's a pick-up/boss slayer.
Dens of the Beasts - Patience
Torech Braignel - 44.0s, 8.9w
Torech Ladnel - 47.1s, 15.2w
Torech Bornagol - 46.4s, 10.4w
The Burnt Tor - 49.1s, 10.5w
Sad Umroval - 48.2s, 12.4w
Torech Andraug - 50.7s, 9.6w
Ulundin - 56.0s, 14.4w
The Ring Goes South - Honesty
(No map markers for most)
The Burnt Tor - 9.1s, 10.5w
The Caradhras Campfire - 46.7s, 2.7w
The Sirannon Gate - 50.7s, 7.7w (The Gate into the Walls of Moria)
The High Hollin Campsite - 43.8s, 12.9w
The Tal caradhras Campsite - 45.9s, 8.7w
The Ruins of Eregion - Wisdom
Gwingris - 40.2w, 16.0w
Echad Eregion - 47.0s, 12.5w
Echad Mirobel - 52.3s, 17.0w
Echad Dunann - 50.6s, 7.8w
Pembar - 44.1s, 10.8w
Barad Morlas - 48.1s, 13.7w
Complete Quests in Eregion
Silent of the restless (intermediate): Tier 2 - Do 20 quests
Swift Travel:
To Echad Eregion from Rivendale, Echad Dunann, Echad Mirobel, and Gwingiris
To Rivendale from Echad Eregion
Silent of the restless (advanced): Tier 3 - Do 40 quests
To Echad Dunann from Rivendale, Echad Eregion, Echad Mirobel, and Gwingiris
To Rivendale From Echad Dunann
Silent of the restless (final): Tier 4 - Do 60 quests
To Echad Mirobel from Rivendale, Echad Eregion, Echad Dunann, and Gwingiris
To Rivendale from Echad Mirobel
Ring-lore of Eregion - Fidelity and Title: Lore-Seeker
(These are from looting piles plus mobs(Humoniods only), supposedly.)
Worn Pages of Ring-Lore - Picked up off dunlending in Glad Ereg (42.5s, 13.5w)ish
Mouldering Pages of Ring-lore - Picked up off half-orc in Pembar(44.2s, 10.9w)ish
Crumbling Pages of Ring-lore - 44.1s, 11.0w
Fragile Pages of Ring-lore - 47.9s, 13.9w
Brittle Pages of Ring-lore - 52.4s, 16.8w
Delicate pages of Ring-lore - Gwingris, back ruins, 39.6s 16.4w

Invaders of tham mirdain (library) - Title: Savior of the forgotten Archive
Defeat Chieftain Gursh
Defeat Commander Unudhu
Defeat Commander Piztor
Lore of the forgotten library - Title: Librarian
Find the Yellowed Volume (Drops off mob)
Find the Frayed Volume (Drops off mob)
Find the Ancient Volume (Picked up off Ground)
Find the Frail Volume (Picked up off Ground)
Mercenaries of white hand (Dunlending Slayer: Library)
Tier 1: 60 - Title: Diplomate
Tier 2: 120 - Determination
Soldiers of the enemy (Orc Slayer: Library/School/Ring-Forge)
Tier 1: 40 - Title: Defier of Evil
Tier 2: 80 - idealism
The pale followers (Pale folk slayer: Library/Ring-Forge)
Tier 1: 150 - Title: The Sympathetic
Tier 2: 300 - Justice
Warriors of the enemy (Uruk slayer: Library)
Tier 1: 40 - Title: The daring
Tier 2: 80 - wisdom
Invaders of Tham Mirdain (School) - Title: Defender of the Crumbling School
Defeat Llygad the Blade
Defeat Commander Tarsh
Defeat Chief Warrior
Texts of the crumbling school - Title: Tutor
Find The Charred Ledger
Find the Tattered Ledger
Find the Ruined Ledger
Find the Mouldy Ledger
Ring-Forge (14.15 Instance)
Invaders of Tham Mirdain (Ring-Forge) - Title: Forge-Warden
Defeat Strok
Defeat Priestess Graine
Ring-lore of Tham Mirdain (Instance Ring-Forge) - Title: Student of Celebrimbor
Find the Torn Manuel of Ring-lore (Drops off Mob)
Find the Aged manuel of Ring-lore (Drops off mob)
Find the Dusty manuel of Ring lore
Find the Rotten Manuel of Ring-lore
Scholars from Angmar (Angmarian Slayer: Ring-forge)
Tier 1: 40 - Title: Patron of Moribel
tier 2: 80? - Discipline
Tier 1 - 120 - Title: Feather-Duster
Tier 2 - 240 - Loyalty
Tier 1 - 120 - Title: Bane of Dunland
Tier 2 - 240 - Honour
Half-Orc Slayer
Tier 1 - 120 - Title: The Just
Tier 2 - 240 - Justice
Lizard and Crawler-Slayer
Tier 1 - 120 - Title: Vermin-Bane
Tier 2 - 240 - Determination
Uruk captains of eregion - Determination and Title: Defender of Hollin
Summon and Kill 7 Named:
Logon - At the end of the cave from quest "Leader of the Foul Wood"
Fauldush - Summoned at Pembar (44.1s, 10.7w)
Shatogar - 47.9s, 13.9w
Pizumu the Spy-master - 45.8S, 7.2W (He roams in the area)
Gamshurm Lord - Summoned at Porth Cadlus (53.5s, 9.6w)
Akashpug Chief - Summoned at Tar Stazg (48.3s, 5.4w)
Rakhuga the Tracker - 54.3s, 11.2w summoned from quest "Drawing the Enemy"
Wolf and Warg-Slayer
Tier 1 - 120 - Title: Fang-Breaker
Tier 2 - 240 - Discipline