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Guardian Class Traits, Legendary Traits |
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The Class traits are great tools to help you design your Guardian the way you want him to be. These Traits can alter current skills, provide additional stats and/or add additional abilities and can help set you apart from not only other fellowship members, but also from other Guardians. You donât want mobs to be able to out run you then slot To the Rescue. You feel you might be low on Might compared to other Guardians; you may want to slot Stinging Blow, Reactive Block, Quickness and/or Strong Lungs. Whichever traits you decide to choose from, make sure you choose them for your own reasons.
Set Bonuses:
* S2: +75% Power Restoration from Reactionary Events and Skills
* S3: +10% Shield Damage, Imporved Critical Defence
* S4: Shield Wall now provides an armour bonus, Improved Devastating Critical Defence
* Guardian's Ward: Your Guardian's Ward increases your common damage mitigation, and more effectively protects your armour from damage.
* Selfless Defence: Your Protection skill makes your target less threatening.
* Defensive Expertise: You use your shield more efficiently, blocking more and reducing the damage dealt to you.
+600 Block Rating (+12 at L1 / +720 at L60)
+225 Armour Value (+5 at L1 / +270 at L60)
* Deflected Blows: You recover some of your Power whenever you block an incoming attack.
+2.5% Guardian's Defence Partial Block Mitigation
* Controlled Breathing: Your Catch a Breath skill heals additional Morale (rumor is 400 morale increasable with legacies) and also heals Power.
* Brave Heart: Warrior's Heart recovers 90 seconds quicker and allows you to use your reactive skills.
* Thratening Presence: This trait enhances the threat output of some of your shield chain.
Increases the threat generation of shield skills
* Final Straw: This trait enables a sixth component to Fray the Edge which raises your conjunction chances to 30%.
* Heart of Fire: This trait enhances Take To Heart, reducing it's cooldown and reducing it's morale cost enabling it to be used more often to protract long encounters and snatch victory from long fought fights.
-20% Take To Heart Morale Cost
-60 Skill Cooldown
+1 Critical Defence
+1 Devastating Critical Defence

* S2: Increased Threat Generation
* S3: Whirling Retaliation applies a bleed upon Critical
* S4: +8% Threat Stance Threat
* Grim Challenge: Your Challenge skill recovers 15 seconds quicker.
* Harasser: Vexing Blow can hit two additional targets in a 90-degree arc and recovers 1.5 seconds faster.
* Reactive Block: You damage your attacker whenever you block an incoming attack.
+2.5% Guardian's Defence Partial Block Mitigation
* Stoic: Your stoic nature increases your resistance to Fire, Frost, and Shadow Damage.
+375 Fire/Frost/Shadow/Acid/Lightning Defence (+8 at L1 / +450 at L60)
+15 Vitality
* Heat of Battle: Thrill of Danger recovers 2 minutes quicker and allows you to use your reactive skills.
-120s Thrill of Danger Cooldown
* Litany of Challenge: This trait enables Challenge's force attack to last for a few precious seconds extra.
* Shield of Fire: This trait enables Shield Taunt to generate 15% more aggro.
* Quick of Foot: Your Stamp skill recovers 15 seconds quicker.
* Litany Master: This legendary ability enables a stackable version of the Litany of Defiance to be levied when you crit on Shield Smash, Sweeping Cut and Vexing Blow.

Set Bonuses:
* S2: -5% Overpower Power Cost
* S3: +3% Overpower Damage
* S4: +5% Overpower Damage
* Hit Where It Hurts: This trait raises the chances of Stagger scoring a critical hit.
+1000 Stagger Critical Rating
* Raw Power: This trait raises the Damage Bonus of Overpower, but also increases the Power Cost.
+5% Overpower Power Cost
+3% Overpower Damage
* Parried Blows: You recover some of your Power whenever you parry an incoming attack.
+2.5% Guardian's Parry Partial Parry Mitigation
* Stinging Blow: You attack more quickly with your Sting skill, inflicting greater damage.
-3s Sting Cooldown
+10% Sting Damage
* Blocking Force: This trait enables you to gain a block event when you critical with Force Opening. (currently in beta you get a block event on Force Opening without a crit)
* Strong Lungs: Your strong lungs enable Deep Breath to recover in half the time.
* Quickness: Your attack speed is increased beyond your normal abilities.
-5% Attack Duration
+2.5% Guardian's Parry Partial Parry Mitigation
* To the Rescue: You are able to move more quickly in and out of battle.
+5% Run Speed
* Hemorrhage: This skill enables Brutal Assault to apply a stackable bleed 50% of the time.
* 50% chance to apply

The Legendary Traits are another way to separate your Guardian from the pack. They take time, dedication and a little bit of luck to acquire and are not for the faint at heart.
Like the other classes, we have three traits that can be acquired by finding the missing pages in books designed to teach us greater skills, one Trait that can only be acquired by finishing our two level 50 class quest, one trait from completing the Epic Quest Line "Mines of Moria" (six books), one Trait from "reading" a book available after gaining Kindred Standing with Iron Garrison Guards and one Trait from completing a class specific level 58 quest line. The books canât start to be completed and until you have acquired them, leveled to 39 and traveled to Rivendell to speak with Sam Gamgee. Once Sam gives you the task of completing your book(s) by making notes of what is missing in your Deed Log, you can venture out and collect the necessary pages to acquire the trait(s). The first Legendary Trait slot opens at level 41, the second at 45 and the third at 60. The fourth Legendary Trait is by far the most difficult to acquire since you need to complete two quest (The âArticles of Fortitudeâ and âImplements of Battleâ Class Quest), each of which is broken into three parts and require you to go to the most challenging parts of Eriador.
The road is long, but for those willing you will have a choice to slot three of the six unique Traits that show why a Guardian can brave the evil in the land solo or is such a welcome part of any Fellowship. There is one stance (Guardianâs Threat), one âyellâ (Challenge the Darkness) [Real Guardianâs Donât Cry], one block chain maneuver (Shield-smash), one parry chain maneuver (To the King), one Overpower attack (Hemorrhage) and two that improve skills from your trainer (Heart of Fire and Litany Master). The most popular Traits are Shield-smash and To the King, but the others have a place according to what you are doing and how you play your character.
The first step in acquiring Legendary Traits is acquiring the books. Sadly, there is no one known location to do this but it is known that Humanoids, level 39+ all over Eriador have been known to drop the books. Since they drop at random it is very possible that one never finds the book(s) one is looking for but stumbles across all of the books from other classes. Fortunately, the books are tradable/sellable so Kinsmen and the Auction House are your friends.
For The Best Defense and Shield Maiden's Song, each books pages are separated into two halves. The first four pages of a book can be found in one location whereas the second four in a completely different location. The locations below are again from Closed Beta. If anyone finds pages in different locations, feel free to PM and I will update accordingly. The Final Word is a completely tradeable book, meaning all of the pages can be found, like the books themselves, on any humanoid/sentient being level 39+. Here again, Kinsmen and the Auction House are your friends.

Shield Smash: After a successful Shield-bash or Shield-taunt, you may bash your enemy again with your shield for greater damage. This skill draws the enemyâs attention to you.
How to acquire: Complete the Legendary Book âThe Best Defenseâ
Pages: 2, 3, 5 and 9: Iron Crowns in Ram Duath including Skathmur (aka the camp with the Iron Crown Commander)
Pages 12, 16, 17*** and 19: Dourhand Dwarves is Gabilizan
Challenge the Darkness: You know how to goad your enemies into attacking you, leaving your allies free to maneuver as well as raising your Guardianâs Ward
How to acquire: Complete the Legendary Book âThe Final Wordâ
Pages 6*, 7*, 13* and 14*: Iron Crowns in West Angmar
Pages 19*, 21*, 24* and 27*: Iron Crowns around Carn Dum
Below are just reported locations and any additional confirmed locations will be added accordingly.
Iron Crowns in Donnvail & Bail Boglakh
Trolls in the Trollshaws
Dwarf, Goblins & Hillmen in the Misty Mountains
Guardianâs Threat (Stance): You focus yourself on enraging your enemies.
How to acquire: Complete the Legendary Book âShield Maidenâs Songâ
Pages 1, 8, 11 and 12: Searing Flame Worms** in Malenhad
Pages 15, 19, 25 and 26: Orcs in Malenhad (Confirmed in live from Rammas Deluon to Ongbishuk)
To the King (Legendary Trait): You are able to make a powerful attack against an enemy who has suffered from Overwhelm or Thrust, potentially knocking it down.
How to acquire: Complete the âArticles of Fortitudeâ and âImplements of Battleâ Class Quest. After which you are told by Wali to seek out the great guardian Samwise Gamgee. Completion of the quest "A Lesson from Samwise Gamgee" bestows the "To the King" Legendary Trait.
Litany Master: This legendary ability enables a stackable version of Litany of Defiance to be levied when you crit on Shield Smash, Sweeping Cut and Vexing Blow
Requires: 5 traits in The Defender of the Free line slotted
How to acquire: Complete the class specific level 58 quest line The Path of The Defender of the Free. Much like the level 50 class quest, the first parts of the quest are solo but the last quest will require taking a fellow into an instance. Unlike the previous class quest, the mob you need to defeat is not there unless you are at the proper point in the quest line. Once you are, you'll have the ability to summon the creature and with the help of your fellow, defeat him and complete the quest. For their assistance in your endeavor, your fellow will receive Marks of Victory to be traded for items from the appropriate vendor.
Heart of Fire: This trait enhances Take To Heart, reducing it's cooldown and reducing it's morale cost enabling it to be used more often to protract long encounters and snatch victory from long fought fights.
-20% Take to Heart Morale Cost
-60 Skill Cooldown
+1 Critical Defence
+1 Devastating Critical Defence
Requires: 5 traits in The Fighter of Shadow line slotted
How to acquire: Complete the Epic Quest Line "Mines of Moria" (aka Epic Volume II, Books 1-6)
Hemorrhage (Legendary Trait): This skill enables Brutal Assault to apply a stackable bleed 50% of the time.
50% chance to apply
Requires: 5 traits in The Keen Blade line slotted
How to acquire: Gain Kindred Standing with Iron Garrison Guards, purchase(2g 500s) and use the book "A Keen Blade" from the Iron Garrison Guard Trader in the 21st Hall.
**This was bugged in beta for not being logical. Worms donât have pockets and flame worms would burn pages long before you showed up to kill them. No changes expected.
***Although this is a confirmed tradeable page, based on a dev chat this is a bug an has been reported as such.
NOTE: At the end of Closed Beta, many of these pages were dropping from different locations as listed. Many assumed that since we were testing, the drop rate and locations increased.