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This guide is intended to detail the various methods of earning reputation points with the Inn League faction. The Inn League reputation area can be found inside the Bird & Baby Inn, which can be found in Michel Delving, Shire, Eriador.
The information found here was originally discovered on the Roheryn preview server. I have since confirmed the information below is live on all servers as of 8/1/2008. As it stands now, you can only earn reputation during one of the quarterly festivals.
In order to unlock the ability to earn reputation with the Inn League, you must first complete the Inn League reputation starter quest. This quest can be found at the Party Tree just north of Hobbiton in the Shire, but must be obtained during a Festival event. You must complete this quest in order to unlock anything else listed below. This is a repeatable quest. The first time you complete it you earn 10000 rep points and the Inn League Member title. This immediately advances you from Neutral to Acquaintance, with 0/20000 points for Friend status in the Inn League faction. The second time you complete the starter quest you earn 500 rep points. The repeat of this quest appears to be on a static reset at Midnight each real world day (much like the fishing point earning cap).
There are several ways to earn reputation with the Inn League. These methods are detailed below. Without repeating the starter initiation quest, the maximum amount of reputation you can earn with the Inn League as of the Summer Festival is 14500/20000 points on the way to Friend status.
There are 4 deeds discovered so far.
Inn League Member
- You must complete the Inn League Initiation quest. This is found at the party tree during a festival. The reward is 10,000 Rep Points and the title Inn League Member. It is the prerequisite to any other Inn League related quests/deeds.
Senior Inn League Member
- You must assist 5 Inn League Members with their quests. The reward is 1,200 rep points and the title Senior Inn League Member
Inn League Notable
- You must assist 11 Inn League Members with their quests. The reward is 1,200 rep points and the title Inn League Notable. This title replaces the Senior Inn League Member title.
Inn League Challenge
- You must drink 23 unique varieties of wine/beer/ale. You will primarily find these from Tavern Keep NPCs, but you will also find a few from two Vintner NPCs. Your reward for completion is 1200 rep points and the title "Inn League Sage of Fine Spirits". The deed should activate and appear in your deed log when you complete the Inn League Initiation quest. Here are the names and locations of the unique brews:
- Shire
- Brockenborings (The Plough and Stars)
- Wooly-Foot Stout
- Stock (The Golden Perch)
- Brandy Wine
- Old Withywindle
- Frogmorton (The Floating Log)
- Toad's Tongue Ale
- Bywater (The Green Dragon)
- 1404 Vintage reserve
- Green Dragon Breath Ale
- Hobbiton (The Ivy Bush)
- Thistleberry Brew
- Whitebranch
- Michel Delving (Bird & Baby Inn)
- Blackgrove's Brown
- Old Winyards
- Brockenborings (The Plough and Stars)
- Bree-Land
- Combe (The Combe & Wattle Inn)
- Beakbreaker Ale
- Bree (The Prancing Pony)
- Barliman's Best
- Blind Troll Stout
- Isenwine
- Moor-Boar Beer
- Stars of Old Cider
- Combe (The Combe & Wattle Inn)
- Lone-Lands
- The Forsaken Inn
- Forsaken Ale
- Forsaken Cider
- Swill
- The Forsaken Inn
- Trollshaws
- Rivendell (Sogadan, The Hall of Fire)*
- Dorwinion Red
- Dorwinion White
- Rivendell (Sogadan, The Hall of Fire)*
- Ered Luin
- Celondim (Brethilwen, just NE of the stable)*
- Limael's Vintage
- Thorin's Hall (Tavern beneath the main hall)
- Bombur's beard Lager
- Celondim (Brethilwen, just NE of the stable)*
(* indicates a Vintner NPC instead of a Tavern Keep)

You can find quest bestowers throughout Eriador that are associated with the Inn League (Inn League Member displays under their name). All of these quests seem to be fetching quests where they ask you to obtain a specific brew from a specific Inn within 1 hour. None of them seem to be repeatable. The total amount of Reputation you can earn from these 11 quests, as of the Summer Festival, is 10,900 points. Here is the info I have been able to obtain thus far.
Note: Minimum Levels are from the Lorebook quest descriptions.
Quest: All But the Cider
Location: Brockenborings, The Shire
Bestower: Foxglove Grubb
Detail: Just down the hill from the Inn there is an Inn League Member seeking the Stars of Old cider from the Prancing Pony.
Min Level: 11
Rep Reward: 500
Quest: A Bit of Brown
Location: Oatbarton, Evendim
Bestower: Harigar Mudbottom
Detail: Just north of the stables. He wants Blagrove's Brown from the Bird & Baby Inn.
Min Level: 20
Rep Reward: 300
Quest: One Drink Too Many
Location: Thrasi's Lodge, Ered Luin
Quest Giver: Alrek
Detail: This is the hunter lodge SE of Gondamon and NW of Duillond. He is seeking a Forsaken Ale from the Forsaken Inn.
Min Level: 11
Rep Reward: 1200
Quest: A Reminder of Rivendell
Location: Refuge of Edhelion, Ered Luin
Quest Giver: Lendasil
Detail: Lendasil can be found at the top of the stairs where the building colapses in the beginning of the Elf starter quest. She is seeking Dorwinion White from The Last Homely House
Min Level: 25
Rep Reward: 1200
Quest: A Member in Need
Location: Othrikar, North Downs
Quest Giver: Muli
Detail: He wants Bombur's Beard Lager from Thorin's Hall
Min Level: 29
Rep Reward: 1200
Quest: A Drink of the Worst Character
Location: Aughaire, Angmar
Quest Giver: Nathalan
Detail: Collect a mug of Swill from the Forsaken Inn
Min Level: 34
Rep Reward: 1200
Quest: A Dark Day
Location: Zigilgund, Forochel
Quest Giver: Lofi
Detail: Collect a mug of Moor-boar Beer from the Prancing Pony
Min Level: 38
Rep Reward: 1200
Quest: Never Far From Home
Location: Thornley's Work Site, Bree-land
Bestower: Wesley Hopwood
Detail: There is an Inn League Member seeking the Limael's Vintage from Celondim.
Min Level: 11
Rep reward: 500
Quest: A Simple Wine
Location: Echad_Candelleth, Trollshaws
Bestower: Saerthuithel
Detail: There is an Inn League Member seeking Brandy Wine from the Golden Perch in the Shire.
Min Level: 34
Rep reward: 1200
Quest: Atli's Favourite
Location: Hrimbarg, Misty Mountains
Bestower: Oli
Detail: Oli is seeking Beakbreaker Ale from the Combe & Wattle Inn in Bree-Land
Min Level: 38
Rep Reward: 1200
Quest: Quite a Pickle
Location: Ost_Haer, Lone Lands
Bestower: Wald Mugwort
Detail: Wald wants Thistlebelly Brew from the Ivy Bush in Hobbiton
Min Level: 15
Rep Reward: 1200
Ered Luin
Lone Lands
Misty Mountains
North Downs

To make the questing easier, it would make sense to purchase the brews you will need for the quests ahead of time; say, while you're completing your deed.
Here is the list of brews/ales/wines/ciders/etc. you'll want to have on hand when you do your questing. As more quests are discovered I will add to this list as well.
(Remember, if you're doing your deed at the same time, you'll need to purchase the following items twice so you can drink one and save one.)
Prancing Pony (Bree)
- Moor-boar Beer
- Stars of Old
Combe & Wattle Inn (Combe)
- Beakbreaker Ale
Thorin's Hall Inn (Thorin's Hall)
- Bombur's Beard Lager
Vintner in Celondim
- Limael's Vintage
Bird & Baby Inn (Michel Delving)
- Blagrove's Brown
Ivy Bush (Hobbiton)
- Thistlebelly Brew
Golden Perch (Stock)
- Brandy Wine
Forsaken Inn (Lone Lands)
- Swill
- Forsaken Ale
The Last Homely House (Rivendell)
- Dorwinion White

The Inn League Room
The Inn League Room, which is found in the Bird & Baby Inn, in Michel Delving, can be accessed once you have reached friend status with the Inn League.
There are several interesting decorations in this room that make it a treat to see. There appear to be normal NPC's in this room as well as seasonal NPC's
Year-Round NPC's
- Ivy Tunnelly, Inn League Barmaid
- Cherry-Blossom Wine - 48c
- Fern Beer - 48c
- Fern Beer - 48c
- Flagon of Red Wine - 48c
- Flagon of White Wine - 48c
- Frothy Pint of Ale - 48c
- Gunderic's Ale - 48c
- Hard Cider - 48c
- Mead - 48c
- Mid-Day's Cider - 48c
- Pear-Blossom Wine - 48c
- Perry's Porter - 48c
- Perry's Porter - 48c
- Rootknot's Cider - 48c
- Small Beer - 48c
- Spring Ale - 48c
- Willow Wine - 48c
- Willow Wine - 48c
- Bob Burrows
- Aytrop Bolger
- Shallot Goodbody
- Mary Hornblower
- Hasculf Took
- Pink Tunnelly
- Posey Chubb
Seasonal NPC's
- Frago Sandheaver, Inn League Trader
- Barter: Ancient Tome (10 Summer Festival Tokens) - Consumed on use. Grants the /dance_jig emote. This item is not bound.
- Alric Banks, Inn League Taxidermist
- Barter: Black Bear with League Hat (1 Undamaged Black-Bear Corpse, 8 Summer Festival Tokens). This item is not bound.
- Barter: Brown Bear with Pie and Mug (1 Undamaged Brown-Bear Corpse, 8 Summer Festival Tokens). This item is not bound.
- Barter: Frost-Antler Head with Pipe (1 Undamaged Frost-Antler Head, 8 Summer Festival Tokens). This item is not bound.
- Barter: White Wolf with Mug (1 Undamaged White-Wolf Corpse, 8 Summer Festival Tokens). This item is not bound.
- Barter: Black Bear with League Hat (1 Undamaged Black-Bear Corpse, 8 Fall Festival Tokens). This item is not bound.
- Barter: Brown Bear with Pie and Mug (1 Undamaged Brown-Bear Corpse, 8 Fall Festival Tokens). This item is not bound.
- Barter: Frost-Antler Head with Pipe (1 Undamaged Frost-Antler Head, 8 Fall Festival Tokens). This item is not bound.
- Barter: White Wolf with Mug (1 Undamaged White-Wolf Corpse, 8 Fall Festival Tokens). This item is not bound.

Item Gathering
Undamaged Corpse Locations
- Undamaged Black-Bear Corpse
- Bree-Land
- Old Forest
- Withywindle (34.4S 60.1W)
- Old Forest
- Bree-Land
- Undamaged Brown-Bear Corpse
- North Downs
- Fields of Fornost (Eastern half)
- Annundir (Primarily near the Spine)
- Kingsfell (West and Northwest of Esteldin)
- North Downs
- Undamaged Frost-Antler Head
- Forochel
- Taur Orthon
- Ita-Ma
- Evendim
- Cirith Rhiw (Cluster of about 6 of them on the way to Forochel)
- Forochel
- Undamaged White-Wolf Corpse
- Misty Mountains
- Southern High Pass
- Misty Mountains