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We would like to thank the following people and websites: Darzil, Berryl, Nadia, Bloodfists
http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?t=124998&page=5 |
Check also our latest Festival guides:
Shire - Brockenborings Spring Festival Quests
Players should visit the festival grounds for some spring-themed celebration.
What can you expect?
* New Housing Keg that ports you to random places!
* A great deal of other cosmetic items coming with Spring Festival
* Red, Green and Blue Gift Boxes
How to get a Gift Box
Talk to Avery Crabapple by the Boar Fountain in Bree Town, to start the Festival quests.
The first quest is Love is a like a Flower
You should collect Merigold, Violet and Primrose.
Marigolds can be found near the stone circle outside Michel Delving on the road to Little Delving.
Violet can be found near the stone circle beyond the Bree west gate, accross the bridge then turn right.
Primroses can be found near the stone circle above Celondim
When you collect all the flowers return to Avery Crabapple, and take another quest
The second quest is A courting Bree will go
First you should tallk to Barliman Butterbur in the Prancing Pony. He will send you to place the bouquet in the vase - Follow the road outside the Pony toward the west gate and turn left up the Scholar's Stair. Just keep going straight, and you will see vase and a cat. Place the bouquet in the vase then return to Avery Crabapple.
The third quest is A fern by any other name - You shoud collect the bouquet from the vase because you placed it in the wrong vase.After collecting the bouquet, go left and give it to Fern Coppersmith. She will ask you to collect the sweets in the alley behind Avery Crabapple. Then bring the sweets to Avery Crabapple.
Now you have finished first part of Festival Quests. The next part is much interessting.
A Fistful of Flowers
Avery Crabapple and Gredlan Mugwort (he is standing beside Avery Crabapple )will help you to get Gift Box. You should collect as many flowers as you can in one hour. Go to different towns and collect patch of flowers, where-ever you see them.

When you open the box you can get one of these items randomly. Crafting crit items drop pretty randomly from all the boxes. You can repeat the quest after 21 hours.
To see most of the spring festival items, visit Darzil's Lotro Armour Guide Enjoy!
Blue Gift Boxes
[Finely Stitched Backpack Recipe]
[Strawberry Tart Recipe]
[Long-sleeved Corsair's Tunic and Pants Recipe]
[Scarred Worm Eye]
[Black Corsair Eyepatch]
[Fancy Dwarf-make Quiver]
[Fine Hauberk Recipe]
[Huge Wight Barrow Treasure]
[Huge Spider Eye]
[Flawed Huorn Heartwood]
[Small Wight Barrow Treasure]
[Lethal Sharp Dread Turtle Webbed Claw]
[Note of Affection]
[Dirty Bat Claw]
[Very Sharp Lynx Claw]
[Very Sharp Bear Claw]
[Flawed Warg Ear]
[Huge Worm Eye]
[Scarred Spider Eye]
[Blackened Barghest Ear]
[Clean Drake Tail]
[Flawed Spider Eye]
[Extremely Sharp Cave Claw Talon]
Red Gift Boxes
[Fine Woodcutter's Pack Recipe]
[Black Corsair Eyepatch and Hat]
[Sturdy Elven Quiver Recipe]
[Elegant Long-sleeved Dress Recipe]
[Blackberry Tart Recipe]
[Elven Prospector's Pack]
[Shaggy Aurochs Tail]
[Dirty Neekerbreeker Wing]
[Large Warg Tail]
[Jagged Bear Claw]
[Note of Affection]
[Huge Wight Barrow Treasure]
[Dusky Huorn Heartwood]
[Scarred Spider Eye]
[Flawed Warg Ear]
[Dirty Hendroval Talon]
[Dirty Neekerbreeker Eye]
[Diminutive Wight Barrow Treasure]
[Dusky Huorn root]
[Blackened Huorn Heartwood]
[Flawed Huorn Heartwood]
[Grey Wolf Ear]
[Orthodox Wight Barrow Treasure]
[Black Corsair Eyepatch]
[Black Corsair Hat]
Green Gift Boxes
[Fancy Hauberk Recipe]
[Raspberry Tart Recipe]
[Fine Quiver Recipe]
[Note of Affection]
[Plain Long-sleeved Tunic and Pants Recipe]
[Blackened Spider Eye]
[Lethal Sharp Dread Turtle Webbed Claw]
[Dirty Neekerbreeker Eye] x 2
[Decrepit Wight Skull]
[Large Warg Tail]
[Blackened Huorn Root]
[Shimmering Wight Barrow Treasure]
[Blackened Huorn Root]
[Small Barrow Wight Treasure]
[Dirty Bat Claw]
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