Point of Interests by Region
by nikito
This is a list of all the Point of Interests I found, along with other, organized by region. Now this is probably not all of them, just some that we have found. Once again, this list was compiled during beta, so some of the names may change. Also, so of the coords may change as well. However, I did compile this list near the end of beta, so it should be fairly accurate.
**Note** the Colored doors (they each have an instance name associated, I did not get all the instance names hence, purple/blue/etc.) are currently disabled. They were available in beta at one point and then later disabled. They are expected back by the first patch, latest first book expansion.
Durin's way
Dar-Rukh - 4.1s, 100.8w
Durin's Crossing - 3.6s, 110.8w
Fehem-Dum - 4.1s, 104.6w
Gloku-ru - 4.1s, 111.2w
Grishurbhrum - 3.0s, 100.8w
Hadudbab - 5.5S, 108.9W
Hadad-Dum - 3.0s, 104.7w
Jazargund - 3.6s, 106.0w
Jazargund - 3.6s, 106.0w (Stable-master)
Jundulbab - 5.4s, 110.2w
Jundul-dum - 3.6s, 104.6w
Khulturg - 2.7s, 100.1w
Manarbul - 5.6s, 112.0w
Mekeb-Faham - 5.5S, 108.9W (Scholar Crafting Instance, at Hadudbab PoI)
Mekeb-Farak - 5.5S, 108.9W (Scholar Crafting Instance, at Hadudbab PoI)
Mokurzmul - 4.8s, 107.2w
Mudmulzark - 3.2s, 111.9w
Ninknakh Faltor - 3.6s, 112.9w
Salab Nurjundul - 3.6s, 107.5w
Skoiruzg - 3.6s, 99.6w
Sulnul-dum - 3.1s, 108.0w
Tharakh Bazan - 3.6s, 109.2w
The Chamber of Crossroads - 5.1s, 112.1w
The Chamber of Crossroads - 5.2s, 112.1w (Stable-Master)
The Door of the Clouds - 2.8s, 110.8w
The Door of the Clouds - 2.9s, 110.8w (Stable-master)
The Glass-hall - 4.1s, 108.0w
The Hall of the High Stair - 4.7s, 112.0w
The Mustering Hall - 3.1s, 107.2w
The Twenty-First Hall: West Arch - 5.8s, 106.7w
Tith-Maudhul - 2.7s, 101.8w
Uflump-mur - 3.1s, 110.3w
Zabad-dum 4.0s, 107.1w
Zarargharaf - 4.1s, 110.4w
Zigilnab - 5.7s, 107.6w
Bannog Cadlus - 50.5s, 13.1w
Barad Morlas - 48.1s, 13.7w
Burnt Tor - 49.1s, 10.5w
Carchres - 42.4s, 9.2w
Cirith Narugorch - 45.6s, 7.2w
Daergil - 37.5s, 5.3w
Echad Dunann - 50.6s, 7.8w (Stable-master)
Echad Eregion - 47.0s, 12.5w (Stable-master)
Echad Gauradan - 38.3s, 16.1w
Echad Mirobel - 52.3s, 17.0w (No map marker)
Filgogan - 53.1s, 7.5w (Inside Walls of Moria)
Goeolhad - 53.8s, 13.5w
Gwingris - 40.2s, 16.0w (Stable-master)
Lhugres - 38.7s, 6.8w
Mirobel - 52.3s, 17.1w (Campfire)
Mirobel - 52.3s, 17.0w (Stable-master)
Munudh Cadlus - (56.0s, 12.0w)
Pembar - 44.1s, 10.8w
Porth Cadlus - 53.4s, 9.5w
Redhorn Snowfall - 46.9s, 2.2w
Ring-Forge - 52.5S, 17.7W (It's the V1 Bk14 Ch15 instance)
Sad Rechu - 42.4s, 13.6w
Sad Thareg - 42.6s, 16.2w
Sad Umroval - 48.2s, 12.4w
Stair Falls - 51.4s, 4.9w (Inside Walls of Moria)
Talath Dindal - 45.6s, 12.0w
Tar Stazg - 48.3s 5.4w
The Black Pool - 51.2s, 3.7w (Inside Walls of Moria)
The Brackwater - 50.3s, 5.2w (Inside Walls of Moria)
The Burnt Tor - 49.1s, 10.5w
The Caradhras Campfire - 45.9s, 8.7w (No map marker)
The High Hollin Campsite - 43.8s, 12.9w (No map marker)
The Library at Tham Mirdain - 53.8s, 17.6w (Instance)
The School at Tham Mirdain - 53.3s, 15.5w (Instance)
The Sirannon Gate - 50.7s, 7.7w (The gate into the Walls of Moria, no map marker)
The Tal Caradhras Campsite - 45.9s, 8.7w (No map Marker)
Torech Andraug - 50.7s, 9.6w
Torech Bornagol - 46.4s, 10.4w
Torech Braignel - 44.0s, 8.9w
Torech Carangor - 45.1s, 9.7w
Torech Ladnel - 47.1s, 15.2w
Ulundin - 56.0s, 14.4w
Foundations of Stone
Dalgum-ru - 14.2s, 101.6w
Dark Delvings - 15.4s, 97.4w (Campsite)
Dark Delvings - 15.8s, 97.3w (Instance)
Skumfil - 13.2s, 100.4w (Instance)
Skumfil - 13.4s, 100.4w (Campsite)
The Bridge-Shard - 14.1s, 97.7w
The Endless Stair - 15.0s, 99.0w
The Shadow Refuge - 13.0s, 101.6w
The Shadow Refuge - 13.1s, 101.2w (Stable-master, to get to this go NE cornor, then head to point)
Tunzelgund - 12.9s, 99.2w
Zabad-Fakak - 12.0s, 102.0w
Annon Galadhom - 13.8s, 67.5w
Athmadhul - 15.1s, 75.6w
Bain Gwaloth - 12.9s, 67.2w
Bidroi Maudhul - 9.0s, 73.1w
Bolg Maufulug - 11.3s, 73.3w
Brochos - 17.5s, 70.0w
Caras Galadhon (Inner) - 15.1s, 68.2w (Stable-Master)
Caras Galadhon (Outside) - 16.7s, 67.5w (Stable-Master)
Celurlin - 14.9s, 67.2w
Cerin Amroth - 11.9s, 67.8w
Cerin Amroth - 11.7s, 69.1w (Stable-Master)
Cerin Brethil - 10.4s, 63.9w
Cerin Nauth - 12.8s, 70.1w
Dru-Garmadh - 14.2s, 78.0w
Drumaudhul - 10.0s, 72.6w
Echad Andestel - 14.2w, 73.0w
Echad Andestel - 14.4s, 73.1w (Stable-Master)
Gazpush - 10.3s, 72.0w
Gladriel's Garden - 15.9s, 66.3w
Golugrak - 10.9s, 72.0w
Gworast - 12.8s, 62.9w
Imlad Lalaith - 17.3s, 64.0w
Lady's Rest - 16.3s, 70.2w
Mekhem-Bizru - 11.6s, 78.5w
Mekhem-Bizru - 11.5s, 78.6w (Stable-Master)
Mokurz Gundul - 10.3s, 71.1w
Nardur-Stazg - 8.3w, 73.5w
Nimrodeliant - 15.6s, 72.8w
Prakuth-Fulug - 8.4s, 72.6w
Sad Gilthiriad - 12.6s, 64.5w
Talan Atharchen - 15.7s, 72.3w
Talan Brethil - 12.2s, 62.4w
Talen Dolinhen - 15.9s, 72.3w
Talan Fanuidhol - 12.1s, 71.1w
Talan Gwilith - 11.4s, 70.7w
Talan Haldir - 16.2s, 73.5w
Talan Mallelas - 16.4s, 72.2w
Talan Orthlian - 13.5s, 72.1w
Talan Revail - 9.4s, 65.3w
Talan Tirith - 15.0s, 72.3w
Telain Bangad - 15.0s, 68.0w
Telain Galadhrim - 15.7s, 67.8w
Telain Glorelloth - 16.0s, 67.5w
Telain Melthin - 14.4s, 67.4w
Telain Neduil - 14.9s, 66.3w
The Company's Pavillion - 15.0s, 66.8w
The Elder Circle - 18.2s, 65.4w
The Fallen Ice - 10.s, 80.3w
The Garden of Memory - 13.5s, 66.0w
The House of Celeborn - 15.4s, 67.0w
The Peaceful Glade - 12.0s, 64.9w
The Quiet Garden - 10.9s, 69.4w
The Ring of Melbrethil - 9.8s, 64.7w
The Stone-Grove - 14.3s, 69.2w
The Vineyards of Lorien - 18.5s, 64.0w
The Vineyards of Lorien - 18.2s, 64.2w (Stable-Master)
Torech Aewen - 9.5s, 66.9w
Uruk-Gashan - 12.7s, 77.5w

Balin's Camp - 5.8s, 103.9w
Khadar-Zaram - 8.0s, 103.6w
Khurjezer - 7.3s, 100.9w
Sigin-tharakh - 10.1s, 101.1w
Sudulthurkh - 5.6s, 99.2w
The Bridge of Khazad-Dum (west arch) - 8.0s, 99.2w
The Bridge of Khazad-Dum (east arch) - 8.0s, 98.5w
The Deep Crossroads - 6.3s, 101.1w
The First Hall - 8.0s, 95.9w
The First Hall - 8.0s, 95.3w (Stable-master)
The Sixteenth Hall - 11.1s, 101.0w
Zabadgathol - 9.6s, 102.4w
Redhorn Lodes
Ashpar's Command - 11.4s, 103.5w
Budkhul-Beken - 10.8s, 103.2w (can only be accessed via Nud-Melek)
Claw Hollow - 12.8s, 103.1w
Gharaf-Fehem - 13.1S, 105.7W
Fulz-Zahar - 13.1S, 105.7W (Prospectors Crafting Instance, at Fulz-Zahar PoI)
Malmezel - 12.5s, 106.2w
Menem-Mezel - 12.0s, 105.7w
Nud-Heden - 14.1s, 105.0w
The Chittering Hole - 14.0s, 105.0w
The Gate of Ruin - 10.2s, 103.9w
The Grand Stair - 10.3s, 103.9w (Campsite/Instance)
The Orc-Watch - 11.1s, 106.7w
The Orc-Watch - 11.1s, 106.9w (Stable-Master)
The Ore-House - 11.1s, 105.5w
The Tailing Pit - 10.3s, 105.8w
Tumun-Ghar - 13.1S, 105.7W (Prospectors Crafting Instance, at Fulz-Zahar PoI)
The Flaming Deeps
Anazarmekhem - 13.3s, 108.1w
Anazarmekhem - 13.3s, 108.0w (Stable-master)
Anghumu-ru - 14.4s, 109.1w
Bhraf-ru - 15.6s, 106.7w
Camp site for the 2 Flamming Deep instances - 16.4s, 109.6w
Durin's Court - 16.4s, 107.2w
Fil Gashan - 17.1s, 109.6w (Instance)
Gate of the Seven Fathers - 15.8s, 108.6w
Hadad-mezer - 14.7s, 107.6w
Hudnul-meden - 17.0s, 109.6w
Hurmulkezer - 17.0s, 107.1w
Tanunshush - 15.2S, 110.4W
The Burning Stair - 15.8s, 110.6w
The Crossroads of Ash - 15.8s, 109.6w
The Forges of Kahzad-Dum - 17.0s, 109.7w (Instance)
Umukh-ghar - 17.0s, 108.0w
The Grand Stair
Cave of the Slumbering Beast - 71.8n, 139.0w
Gothghash's Stand - 71.9n, 138.6w
Highpeak Kennels - 71.2n, 137.6w
Nardur's Station - 71.8n, 137.8w
Throne of Igash - 72.6n, 138.2w

The Great Delving
Dolven-view - 8.5s, 112.2w
Dolven-view - 8.42, 112.4w (Stable-master)
Durin's Threshold - 8.0s 115.9w
Durin's Threshold - 7.9s, 116.1w (Stable-master)
Durin's Threshold: North Wing - 7.5s, 115.8w
Durin's Threshold: South Wing - 8.5s, 115.8w (Currently unattainable)
Gazatmur - 7.6s, 111.3w
Katub-zahar - 7.0s, 111.0w
Lamab-dum - 7.5s, 113.3w
Shemeldurj - 7.5s, 114.8w (No map PoI)
Snaga-maudhul - 7.8s, 114.4w
The Chamber of Deep Thought - 8.3s, 114.9w
The Chamber of Knowledge - 7.5s, 112.0w
The Chamber of Wisdom - 7.8s, 112.3w
The Cooling Chamber - 8.4s, 111.2w
The Dwarf-lords Gate - 6.4, 112.0w
The Lonely Span - 7.6s, 109.7w (On Zelem-Melek map)
The Palace of Nain - 6.6s, 113.6w
The Stone Council - 9.1s, 112.2w
The Vault of Durin - 8.9s, 113.w
The Silverstine Lodes
Gamil Filik - 10.4s, 111.2w
Menem-munz - 11.2s, 112.8w (Top level)
Menem-berej (The Forgotten Treasury) - 11.0s, 112.8w (Instance)
Menem-berej (The Forgotten Treasury) - 11.1s, 112.7w (Campsite)
The Deep Descent - 9.8s, 112.6w
The Deep Descent - 9.8s, 112.5w (Stable-master)
The Water-Works
Durin's Beard - 13.6s, 112.6w
Gabil-munz - 16.5s, 114.0w
Harazgund - 17.6s, 116.9w (Vile Maw Raid Point of Interest)
Narag-Kheleb - 17.2s, 114.7w
The Chamber of Dark Waters - 16.9s, 11.9w
The Chamber of Memory - 18.2s, 111.6w
The Chamber of the Pool - 15.5s, 115.3w
The Drowned Deep - 16.7s, 116.7w
The Great Wheel - 17.7s, 115.6w
The Lost Palace - 15.0s, 114.9w
The Lost Treasury - 17.3, 111.0w
The Rotting Cellar - 15.1s, 112.1w
The Rotting Cellar - 15.1s, 111.9w (Stable-master)
Vile Maw - 17.6s, 116.9w (Campsite, Raid-12man)
Baiurz-mur - 8.1s, 107.1w
Budkhul-Tharakh - 11.6s, 108.0w
Bult-Kar - 7.2S, 104.7W (Forester Crafting Instance, at Mezer-Serej PoI)
Chamber of Mazarbul - 4.8s, 105.3w
Gabil-hul - 9.7s, 108.7w
Gabil-Mamach - 9.0s, 107.2
Gazatu-ru - 8.2s, 105.4w
Hall of Flowing Water - 9.1s, 107.7w
Khufdul-tharakh - 12.1s, 108.0w
Mezer-Serej - 7.2S, 104.7W
Mormaudhul - 7.2s, 108.3w
Mudmul-Charaf - 6.4s, 107.7w
Sejer-Tharakh - 7.2S, 104.7W (Forester Crafting Instance, at Mezer-Serej PoI)
Skrithurz-ulima - 8.1s, 108.3w
The Broad Ways - 7.6s, 107.6w
The Great Hall of Durin - 7.6s, 105.2w
The Lonely Span - 7.6s, 109.7w
The Orc-Watch - 11.1s, 106.7w
The Orc-Watch - 11.1s, 106.9w (Stable-Master)
The Twenty-First Hall - 5.8s, 105.6w
The Twenty-First Hall - 5.7s, 105.3w (Stable-Master)
The Twenty-First Hall: East Arch - 5.8s, 104.4w
The Twenty-First Hall: North Arch - 5.0s, 105.6w
The Twenty-First Hall: South Arch - 6.6s, 105.6w
The Twenty-First Hall: West Arch - 5.8s, 106.7w
The Wide Halls - 7.6s, 106.9w
Uzbad-Bakan - 10.5s, 107.9w
Durin's Bane - 14.9N, 108.7w
The Broken Cleft - 13.4N 109.1w
The Door to the Clouds - 2.8s, 110.8w (Durins way map)
Blue Door - 8.8s, 111.1w
Bult-Kar - 7.2S, 104.7W (Forester Crafting Instance, at Mezer-Serej PoI)
Dark Delvings - 15.4s, 97.4w (Campsite)
Dark Delvings - 15.8s, 97.3w (Instance)
Camp site for the 2 Flamming Deep instances - 16.4s, 109.6w
Fil Gashan - 17.1s, 109.6w (Go in and back out for this to count, Instance)
Filikul - 16.4S, 113.7W (12 man raid)
Fulz-Zahar - 13.1S, 105.7W (Prospectors Crafting Instance, at Fulz-Zahar PoI)
Harazgund - 17.6s, 116.9w (Vile Maw Raid Point of Interest)
Mekeb-Faham - 5.5S, 108.9W (Scholar Crafting Instance, at Hadudbab PoI)
Mekeb-Farak - 5.5S, 108.9W (Scholar Crafting Instance, at Hadudbab PoI)
Menem-Berej (The Forgotten Treasury)- 11.0s, 112.8w (Instance)
Menem-Berej - 11.1s, 112.7w (Campsite)
Mezel-Katub - 8.4s, 107.7w (Green IA Door)
Mirobel - 52.3s, 17.1w (Campfire for the School, Library, and Ring-Forge of Tham Mirdain)
Purple IA door - Inside the Chambers of Crossroads town (5.1s, 112.1w)
Red IA Door - Unknown
Ring-Forge - 52.5S, 17.7W (It's the V1 Bk14 Ch15 instance)
Sejer-Tharakh - 7.2S, 104.7W (Forester Crafting Instance, at Mezer-Serej PoI)
Skumfil - 13.2s, 100.4w (Instance)
Skumfil - 13.4s, 100.4w (Campsite)
The Forges of Kahzad-Dum - 17.0s, 109.7w (Instance)
The Grand Stair - 10.3s, 103.9w (Campsite/Instance)
The Library at Tham Mirdain - 53.8s, 17.6w (Instance)
The School at Tham Mirdain - 53.3s, 15.5w (Instance)
Tumun-Ghar - 13.1S, 105.7W (Prospectors Crafting Instance, at Fulz-Zahar PoI)
Vile Maw - 17.6s, 116.9w (Campsite, Raid-12man)
Zurr-Tharukh - 6.4S, 107.3W (Yellow IA door)
Anazarmekhem - 13.3s, 108.0w (Stable-master)
Caras Galadhon (Inner) - 15.1s, 68.2w (Stable-Master)
Caras Galadhon (Outside) - 16.7s, 67.5w (Stable-Master)
Cerin Amroth - 11.7s, 69.1w (Stable-Master)
Dolven-view - 8.42, 112.4w (Stable-master)
Durin's Threshold - 7.9s, 116.1w (Stable-master)
Echad Andestel - 14.4s, 73.1w (Stable-Master)
Echad Dunann - 50.6s, 7.8w (Stable-master)
Echad Eregion - 47.0s, 12.5w (Stable-master)
Gwingris - 40.2s, 16.0w (Stable-master)
Jazargund - 3.6s, 106.0w (Stable-master)
Mekhem-Bizru - 11.5s, 78.6w (Stable-Master)
Mirobel - 52.3s, 17.0w (Stable-master)
The First Hall - 8.0s, 95.3w (Stable-master)
The Chamber of Crossroads - 5.2s, 112.1w (Stable-Master)
The Deep Descent - 9.8s, 112.5w (Stable-master)
The Door of the Clouds - 2.9s, 110.8w (Stable-master)
The Orc-Watch - 11.1s, 106.9w (Stable-Master)
The Rotting Cellar - 15.1s, 111.9w (Stable-master)
The Shadow Refuge - 13.1s, 101.2w (Stable-master, to get to this go NE cornor, then head to point)
The Twenty First Hall - 5.7s, 105.3w (Stable-Master)
The Vineyards of Lorien - 18.2s, 64.2w (Stable-Master)