Stable Routes in Moria

Red = Slow
Orange = Fast (which are also slow routes)
(All slow routes are 35s and lvl 50 required. All fast routes are 45s, lvl50, and a quest completion requirement)
Durin's Treshold: -Slow- Dolven-view Chamber of the Crossroads Deep Descent |
Dolven-view: -Slow- Durin's Threshold Chamber of the Crossroads Deep Descent Twenty-first Hall First Hall The Orc-watch -Fast- |
The Chamber of Crossroads: -Slow- Durin's Threshold Dolven-view Twenty-first Hall |
Deep Descent: -Slow- Durin's Threshold Dolven-view The Rotting Cellar |

The Rotting Cellar: -Slow- The Orc-watch Stone-climber's Camp Deep Descent |
Stone-Climber's Camp: -Slow- The Orc-watch The Rotting Cellar Twenty-first Hall Dolven-view |
The Orc-Watch: -Slow- Twenty-first Hall Stone-climber's Camp Shadowed Refuge Dolven-view The Rotting Cellar |
Shadowed Refuge: -Slow- The Orc-watch Twenty-first Hall First Hall -Fast- |
Twenty-first Hall: -Slow- Chamber of the Crossroads The Stone-Hall Dolven-view First Hall The Orc-watch Stone-climber's Camp Shadowed Refuge -Fast- |
The Stone-Hall: -Slow- Twenty-First Hall Zirakzigil |
Zirakzigil: -Slow- The Stone-Hall |
First Hall: -Slow- Shadowed Refuge Twenty-first Hall Dolven-view -Fast- |