As we wrote earlier today Zombie_Columbus announced a big list of changes for Rune-Keepers. Modifications will be focused on spike damage and power usage:
- Epic Conclusion critical damagewas reduced and the "Closing Remarks" buffs were reduced to +50%. Base damage was increased to preserve overall DPS.
- Ceaseless Argument had its base damage reduced, but also its power cost. This skill was overpreforming as a DPS skill and will function more as a filler auto-attack now.
- Fall to X has been changed so it does not increase the damage of the attack that triggered it, but to apply damage seperetly. This I will admit is 100% because of players complaining about various weak attacks doing too much damage, when in fact it was simply the Fall to X skill triggering. However, the change is completely cosmetic and does not change the effectiveness of the skills.
- The IA critical damage from lightning legacy has been reduced in potency.
Continue reading Book 8 Rune Keeper Changes