The free content update launch went great imo. I've patched alright, took a while to download but no biggie. I'm still a low level so I couldn't see much of the new additions, but the new accomplishments window is nice and I've noticed they've changed the icons for rare crafting components (nooooooooooo...I'll have to find the new icons now and change the old ones on the rare crafting page ed. Silriel).
Following the free update release some of the LOTRO sites have updated their content to accommodate for the new changes.
- LOTRO Vault is following ACVault's great tradition of archived patch trees. It's basically a page about everything new in the latest patch. It includes not only official information or material provided by the Vault staff members, but also, and that's the most important, contributions from players all over the world. You can find all the new info here.
- Our buddies at have also included the new Dynamic Map of Evendim for all your adventuring needs.
I have to share a little secret with you guys. We had one of the best Sundays in our existence yesterday. One of the reasons behind this was that we got loads of hits from . I decided to see what the fuss is all about and joined that site. You get a toolbar for your browser and when clicking on Sumble! button you get redirected to some page somebody else stumbled upon and liked it. Was a great way to spend a few idle hours on a Sunday. Among other things I've stumbled across this picture on some Russian site:

Real cool eh? Well I though I add something to it. The LolCats seem to be all the roar on the internet these days(months) and in the spirit of things I bring you the LOLgiraffe.