Continue reading if you are curios about what the festival looked like before.
Yule Festival Guide
by Bloodfists, TsarithArcher , Ciriyn
The Yule festival is here with all new quests, races, and items!
With traditional decorations, warm cider, rich feasts and other, more mischievous, pursuits; Yule is a time of hope across Middle-earth even as the shadow of the Enemy continues to grow.
Visit all the homelands of the free peoples to enjoy all the festival has to offer. You might even earn a new four footed friend for your efforts!
The Yule festival starts now, ends on January 7th.

In the Shire and Bree Festival Grounds

Quests at Party Tree
1 collect apples
2 collect ribbons flowers & berries
each gets you a yule token,
turn in 5 yule tokens for Hobbit Gift Box
Quests in Thorins Hall
the dwarf quartermaster near the bank
1 gather snow
2 gather ice and berries
both get you a yule token,
Trade 5 yule tokens for Dwarf Gift Box
Quests at Boar-fountain in Bree
Man quartermaster is at the Boar Fountain
1 gather casks of ale
2 gather boar meat
both get you a yule token,
5 yule tokens for a Man Gift Box
Quests in Duillond
1 gather mistletoe
2 gather branches
both get you a yule token,
quartermaster in duillond need 5 yule tokens to get an Elf Gift Box

The inn league run is back as well at the party tree
Read our guide

- Opal Goodbody at the ovens near the party tree. It involves Lobelia's posting as official Yule-planner.
- If you have harvestmath tokens, make sure you have 12 instead of the 8 advertised during the festival. If you turned them in to the Vendor at the Horse Track it was the higher amount. If you walked 50 yards to the Horse Farm it was the lower amount. Sometimes you have to pay a little extra for the added convenience.
- the Yule-tide Woes quest chain to get the Yule-tree yard decoration is also back on, talk to Hal Hornblower standing next to the Hobbiton Stable-master.
- They implemented a 24 hour timer on the horse races
- So with the time limits you can get 14 tokens a day per character 30+ (8 quests, 2 horse races) -> (11 tokens and horse token on your first day)
8 tokens a day on characters under 30 (8 quests) - 19 hours so you can do all 8 quests again

Dwarf Gift Box: Tater
Dwarf Gift Box: Dwarven Yule-fest Wall
Dwarf Gift Box: Dwarven snow globe
Dwarf Gift Box: Dwarf-make prospector's pack
Dwarf Gift Box: Forester's Hauberk
Dwarf Gift Box: Fancy Woodcutter's Pack:
Elven gift box: Scaled hauberk
Elven gift box: Exquisite short-sleeved dress
Elven gift box: Dwarven Yule-fest Wall
Elven gift box: Elegant Quiver
Elven gift box: Elegant Short-sleeved Dress
Elven gift box: Elven Snow-globe
Hobbit gift box: Red Gift Box (small furniture, not BoA)
Hobbit gift box: Coal
Hobbit gift box: - Dwarven Yule-fest Wall
Hobbit gift box: - Hobbit Snow-globe
Hobbit gift box: - Blue Gift Box
Hobbit gift box: Short Fancy Robe
Man gift box: Scaled hauberk
Man gift box: Foresters Haurberk
Man gift box: Bree-exquisite dress
Man gift box: Festive candle
Man gift box: Bree-Land Snow-Globe
Man gift box: Dwarven Yule-fest Wall
Man gift box: Mariner's Hauberk
Man gift box: Festive Table
Obtained by completing the "Yule-tide Woes" quest chain that starts in Hobbiton.
(Best to start it with Hal Hornblower who is standing next to the Hobbiton Stable-master.
This quest is not repeatable, is a seasonal Yule Festival Quest Chain and first appeared Yule, 2007.)
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