Starting October 28th until November 3rd, 2011 Turbine is offering new Store Sales:
- Shared Wardrobe Space 20% OFF: 396TP
Hoard away, share and stay organized! Get up to 100 additional slots of storage for cosmetic items within the wardrobe and share amongst characters on your account! Fill your wardrobe with a plethora of cosmetic clothing and accessories available in the LOTRO Store!Click here to learn more about LOTRO's Wardrobe System!
Store Location: Account > Account Storage > Wardrobe
Levels: All
- Cosmetic Outfit Slots 20% OFF: 396TP
Slot your new cosmetics from the Rise of Isengard without having to store them in your inventory bags. Save additional cosmetic-ensembles and quickly change outfits on the fly! Unlock up to seven total cosmetic outfit slots for all characters on your account!Store Location: Account > Cosmetic Slots
Levels: All
- Select Cloaks 20% OFF: 120TP-236TP
Store Location: Cosmetics > Cloaks
Levels: All
Store Exclusive Cloaks
Store Exclusive Cloaks (Hooded)
Ceremonial Cloaks
Other Cosmetics Cloaks
- Cosmetic Dyes 20% OFF: 20TP - 360TP
Tired of having mismatched colors? Or perhaps you just want to freshen up your character's appearance. Customize your look without compromising your stats by altering your current clothing with dyes!Coupon Code DYEME20
Redemption 10/account
Dates Valid October 28 - November 3
Store Location: Cosmetics > Dyes
Levels: All
- Free sample Battle Potion of restoration coupon code
Coupon Code LZ92TL