
No plans for additional bag space in Lotro F2P model

Today Sapience has confirmed that there are no plans to add additional bag space in Volume 3, Book 2, but several changes will be brought  into the game:

  1. The stack sizes for many items will be increased
  2. Additional Bank slots will be available in Volume 3, Book 2

We do not currently have plans to add additional bag space, and there are a number of reasons, you may be happy to know we've increased the stack sizes for many items for Volume 3, Book 2. In addition, many monsters of the same type will now drop the same types of trash items. For example, instead of boars, wolves, and bears each dropping a unique type of skin or fur, they will now all drop the same type of skin or fur. So, instead of 6 types of skin and fur, you'll have 1 skin type and 1 fur type that now stacks higher than 10. There will also be additional Bank slots (both shared and standard vault space) available in Volume 3, Book 2.

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Lotro Summer Festival Known Issue

If you have decided to gain your reputation and earn some deeds you should pay attention to the following Summer Festival known issue:

  • The Quest, "Quite a Pickle" is not updating the deed log for "Inn league Delivery" correctly.
  • Also, "A Dark Day" is incorrectly updating both its own status and the status of "Quite a Pickle" upon completion. This may result in confusion as to whether or not you have completed the "Quite a Pickle" quest and successfully completed the deed. When all quests are completed correctly the title "Do-gooder" will be awarded.


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Lotro Lifetime Subscription

Codemasters Lotro Lifetime Subscription offer is ending soon, actually it will end on the 30th June, 2010. This amazing offer for a lifetime of adventures in Middle-Earth is half priced - £75!

Don't forget that with the Lifetime Subscription you'll become VIP subscriber with all the bonuses in Lotro Free-to-Play model .


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Twisted Pixel working on new Turbine’s MMO for consoles

Rumor or not but massively has announced today that another Turbine game is on its way. Twisted Pixel posted on their site that they’ve completed a contract with Turbine to help them build a new console MMO. Are we expecting a console version of Lord of the Rings Online with a playable evil side or a console version of DDO?  We'll know more soon.

It’s still hush hush, but we just finished a contract with Turbine to help them build an awesome new MMO intended for consoles.
If you want more than that, you’ll have to take it up with Turbine, because we can’t spill the beans on their top-secret game.
It was a fun project, and we’re proud of our work. We can’t wait to play it ourselves when it’s released.

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Lotro: Tolkien Tour, Elvish languages and the fall of Sauron

While I was following various links during the last few days, I came across several interesting sites that I would like to share with you.

The first one Tolkien Tour is about a group of brave adventurers who ended up in Birmingham, where Tolkien spent many years of his childhood.

Moseley Bog is now a nature reserve with many old trees covered in ivy and wooden bridges which guide you safely over the patches of swamp. It is said that this area inspired Tolkien for the Old Forest and the Fangorn Forest when he was writing the Lord of the Rings.

The second one Parma Tyelpelassiva - The book of silver leaves is
dedicated to the Elvish languages Quenya and Sindarin.

If it is your wish to find knowledge about the Elvish languages, you have come to a good place! If you do not speak Quenya or Sindarin,
you should take a look at the language courses. If you are able to understand these languages, then I wish you joy in reading through
the poems and texts!

And, the last one is about the fall of Sauron on senorgif.com

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Lotro Weekend Lotteries are Back

Lotro special weekend lotteries are back! Log in to your my.lotro.com page and enter this weekend's lotteries! You could win a Symbol of Celebrimbor, a Skirmish Booster Pack for your level 30-65 character, Anniversary Tokens, or any of the other great items up for grabs!

Not sure how to enter? Check out RusselDog’s Visual guide to entering the lotteries.

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Lotro Summer Festival Returns

Starting 29th June and ending 26th July, the Summer Festival returns to Middle-earth!

There's a lot going on this Summer Festival. All your usual favourites are back, including the Taste of Hobbiton at The Hill and Keg Racing by Frerin's Court. The Ale Association and Inn League are both back looking to recruit new members.

You can find the Summer Festival celebrations taking place in the following areas of Middle-earth;

Duillond – Ered Luin
The Party Tree – Shire
The Festival Grounds – Bree-land
Thorin's Hall Bar - Thorin's Hall


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Lotro Character Transfer Information

Making a good balanced server population is always a tricky issue in every MMORPG. Yesterday, Turbine has decided to close transfers to Brandywine, Elendilmir and Landroval servers.

As of today, June 24, we will no longer be accepting character transfers (Creep or Freep) to the following servers:

  • Brandywine
  • Elendilmir
  • Landroval

Currently open requests will still be honored. Transfers to all other servers and transfers from the servers listed above are still available.


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Lotro Enedwaith maps speculation

While Lotro developers are working on new diaries and share with us only certain information about new area, Lotro fans Ararax, Forjo and Digital_Utopia have decided to make some map speculations: where new Enedwaith map fits into the known Middle-Earth? 

Ararax -Enedwaith

Forjo -Enedwaith

Digital_Utopia - Enedwaith


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Lotro Enedwaith area part two

Taking a second look at the information about new Enedwaith area that will go live with the Volume 2, Book 3 launch:

  • Enedwaith will be a primarily level 62-65ish zone, the cap will remain 65. [Sapience]
  • Enedwaith is larger than the North Downs [Sapience]
  • The wide and empty land that lay between Arnor in the north and Gondor in the south. Originally deeply forested, the great forests of this region were cut down by the Numenoreans during the Second Age. [lorebook]
  • The Enedwaith Google map from the Lorebook is not only incorrect (and thus not good for any kind of accurate comparison), but has actually been completely replaced by the correct Enedwaith region in the Beta. So, to be clear, that map you see when you visit the Lorebook has no relation to what's actually going into the game and will ship with V3B2. [Sapience]
  • VIP members will get access to the new area, the epic quest line associated with it and all the regular quests in the land [massively]
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