
Lotro Skill Upgrades

Each class is getting either a new skill or skill upgrade at level 62. For the most part these new skills are focused on utility rather than combat. With all that said let’s look at the skill upgrades coming in Siege of Mirkwood!


Burglar’s Antidote replaces Cure Poison
This is a long awaited upgrade to the Burglar’s Cure Poison skill. It is upgraded in almost every way, including level of effect dispelled, range, and induction time.


Fighting Withdrawal replaces Withdrawal
This upgrade removes the damage penalty, increases the amount of threat reduction, and minimizes the threat gained through damage by the Captain while in effect.


Remorseless Strike replaces Relentless Strike
This skill is identical to Relentless Strike in all aspects except that it has much increased critical and devastating critical damage multipliers.


Brutal Charge replaces Charge
This upgrades Charge to have the same effect as the Champion’s Sprint. Brutal Charge overwrites most snares while it is in effect. There is also a short term damage buff when Brutal Charge is first activated.


Guide to Mirk-eaves – new skill
This skill is available from Estellien, a reputation reward vendor in Echad Sirion. It requires acquaintance faction with the Malledhrim, the Elven expedition launched across the Anduin against Dol Goldur. This skill functions like other Hunter guide skills to port the Hunter and his Fellowship to Echad Sirion.


Ancient Knowledge of Cures replaces Leech-craft
This skill uses all the restrictions and upgrades for Leech-craft but combines Wound cures and resistance with Disease cures and resistance.


Chorus of Restoration replaces Song of Restoration
This skill now removes Dread from all members of the Minstrel’s Fellowship (including the Minstrel!).


Shall Not Fall This Day replaces Do Not Fall This Day
This skill adds a small amount of Melee, Ranged, and Tactical Defence to the target in addition to the self-revive ability. In addition, if the target is defeated while this skill is in effect there will be no item wear due to the defeat.


Muster in Mirk-eaves – new skill
This skill is available from Estellien, a reputation reward vendor in Echad Sirion. It requires acquaintance faction with the Malledhrim, the elven expedition launched across the Anduin against Dol Guldur. This skill functions like other Warden muster skills to port the Warden to Echad Sirion.

[Source - Developer Diary]

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Siege of Mirkwood presentation

A few days ago, a very interesting article full of images, videos and details about Siege of Mirkwood has been written at lotro.jeuxonline.info  In order to bridge the language barrier, seekingerin has written up some of the relevant details in English including most of the new information contained in the article.

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Skirmish Cosmetics – Cloaks

One of the things that Turbine team knows how to do is making great cosmetic outfits. New Skirmish cosmetic cloak - Feathered Cloak Of The North Men is breathtaking. Screenshots by ObiWan07

Cloak Of The Golden Oak

Cloak Of The Silver Start

Drape-of Evendim

Feathered Cloak Of The North Men
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Lotro Welcome Back Week

Codemasters Online invites you to join us for an amazing Welcome Back Week from the 23rd until 30th November, 2009. The doors of Middle-earth will be open for former players to enter for a week of FREE game play.

All you have to do is download or patch up to the most recent version of the game client and log in starting 23rd November. Your account will already have been re-activated for you and your previous characters will be there waiting to resume their adventure!

Don't forget that the new digital expansion Siege of Mirkwood is coming to servers on 3rd December. If you haven't yet pre-ordered your copy, be sure to do so in advance of the Siege of Mirkwood release to ensure you bag the exclusive pre-order bonus items! Visit the pre-order page now at www.lotro-europe.com/siege-of-mirkwood/preorder.php

Find out more

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Multiple Outputs for Lotro Crafters

What's a multiple output you ask? Starting with the Malledhrim reputation recipes (and likely going forward), there will be an option for a single recipe to produce multiple variations of a given item. A new button on the crafting panel will cycle through these options on click, and each variation has a normal and a crit version. What's more, each version focuses on a different set of stats, in tune for different class needs.

For instance, there's a medium set with the usual Agi boost. There's also one with Will/Fate. There's a sword that has one appearance, +21 Fate, and Beleriand damage. There's also a variation of it that has another appearance, +21 Agi, and Westernesse damage. This pattern carries on through weapons, armor, and jewelry.

Overall, the stats are only one or two points better than the critted Galadhrim items, while lacking some bonuses (such as the intermittant weakness to Beleriand). However, as of last check, they were reusable recipes, and did not require flakes, making for an alternative route to comparable equipment.

Here's an example. This is all from -one- recipe.

Golden Host Coat

Mirkwood Armor

Once again great info and screenshots by Jadzi

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New Siege of Mirkwood housing trophies

Today, Turbine has announced that the Non-Disclosure Agreement for the Siege of Mirkwood Beta has been lifted, and beta players are free to talk about their experiences in the beta! So, if you are interested in new housing trophies, take a look at this several screenshots. We would like to thank Jadzi for all screenshots.

Fur And Shields

Relief From Gondamon

Stonework Plinth

Thorin Bust

Tale Of Elendil
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New Siege of Mirkwood screenshots Chambers instance

Turbine has released several screenshots of the new expansion Siege of Mirkwood. This time we have a sneak peak of a new Chambers instance.

Chambers Instance 1

Chambers Instance 2

Chambers Instance 3

Chambers Instance 4

Chambers Instance 5
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Dev Chat Transcript November 2009

If you have missed the latest Developer Chat then you don't know

  1. What new combat skills can Hunters look forward to in SoM
  2. What are the plans regarding repeatable quests
  3. If there is another way of gaining access to the dol guldor raid other than having the Dar Nar gear?
  4. Will there be "epic" loot in the Dol Guldur to satisfy raiders?
  5. Will players be able to do the extra encounters in skirmishes even if they finish the boss battle?
  6. ....

Find out the answers

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Skirmish system Part 5

Today I noticed new Dev Diary by Zombie Columbus - SoM Skirmishes: Accessibility, with several screenshots of new UI component called Skirmish-join. The article describes Skirmish system usage and its restrictions.

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Lotro Mount System 2.0: Dismount / Remount

A few days ago ransroth wrote about new feature which was added after Mounts 2.0 system was written. This feature has resolved the bug that was discovered by Beta Testers, as a keyboard shortcut in the Options panel.

There’s a new Keyboard Shortcut called “Dismount/Remount”. When used by a mounted player, that player will be dismounted. When used by an unmounted player, that player will attempt to mount up on the last successfully-used mount.

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