Bullroarer will be open on Thursday, August 6 at 11:00AM Eastern time (-4 GMT) for testing of Volume II, Book 8, Patch 1. The preliminary patch notes are also available but The Eyes and Guard Tavern will NOT be available.
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LOTRO Roster |
LOTRoster is a tool aimed at players of the Lord of the Rings Online MMORPG to add a guild roster on their website. This PHP application will extract guild roster information from Turbine's data.lotro.com XML feeds, and display them in a table, allowing you to have a detailed, highly configurable roster display available on your website. The data is locally cached for best performance, either in files located on disk, or in an SQL database (both MySQL and PostgreSQL are supported).
More information and a live demo at lostrealm.ca/lotroster
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Lotro Run Speed Guide |
When you start your journey through Middle Earth you will find out that your feet are the most common way for wandering around. A little help you can get from your friends Hunter or Captain which we’ve discussed in our Transportation Guide. This time we would like to talk about different buffs, perks, armour and items which role is to increase your run speed.
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Lotro Welcome Back Week for EU Players |
The doors of Middle-earth will be open for former EU players to enter for a week of FREE Welcome Back game play from the 3rd until 10th August, 2009, with +25% bonus experience on mob kills for everyone who logs in and plays.
All you have to do is download or patch up to the most recent version of the game client and log in starting 3rd August. Your account will already have been re-activated for you and your previous characters will be there waiting to resume their adventure!
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New Lotro Revamps in Book 9 |
During the last few days Turbine's developer Orion has been sharing with Lotro community some interesting details about changes that we can expect in Book 9. Unfortunately, there are no conforming information about latest rumor and new expansion, but there are plenty of information concerning the Lonelands revamp:
Lonelands will cover levels 22 — 32 and will overhaul the epic quest line there significantly. Yes, there are new quests planned. Yes there are new camps planned.
The intention is to make North Downs from Trestlebridge north to the border of Fornost and west to the borders of Evendim and east to the area of Kingsfell into an alternative leveling area for 22 — 32. Orthrikar, Meluinen and everything east and north of Esteldin will become a 32 — 42 area.
Also there is the revision to Garth Agarwen first instance in The Lord of the Rings Online.
Garth Agarwen contains nearly as many creatures as the whole of the southern bog of the Lone-lands.Starting with the outer sanctum I focus on the first section of the instance which will now become a public lobby geared toward players in three-man fellowships. Quests that point into Garth Agarwen will still be completed in this space, though obviously not all.
The result is as follows:Garth Agarwen - Arboretum, Level: 32, Fellowship Size: 3, Encounters: 1, Quests: 5
Grimbark will now have a Challenge objective in the fight. The challenge? Kill Grimbark without killing any of the beehives that fall at the outset of the fight. Of course, his skills will need to be reworked to ensure that the quest can be completed by a fellowship of three and the reward for completing the Challenge objective. I identify 4 new skills that I need to make for grimbark - fortunately none will require new art or animations.
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Lotro extended Summer Festival |
Have you noticed that the Summer Festival in Lord of the rings Online has been extended until August 31? Now you have more time to enjoy all of the events and earn those special items. Also you can use this extended time to decorate your house with the new summer housing furniture items or some breathtaking wall surface. And don't forget the Inn Leque Reputation Quests. Enjoy!
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Important Notice For All Lotro Players |
Please remember that Turbine staff are always identified in-game by a plus (+) sign in front of their names. If you receive an in-game message claiming that your account is suspected of gold-buying or selling and instructing you to log into a website to appeal, and the sender does not have a + in front of their name, please report the message as spam and do not visit the website. Players should be aware that this is a phishing attempt and is in no way associated with Turbine.
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New Lotro Housing Items |
Those of you who haven't seen the new housing items drops from the new bosses in Book 8 will be extremely interested in these screenshots.
The final boss in Halls of Crafting sometimes drops a set of his armour on a stand. The final boss in the Waterworks 3man drops an outdoor item, his hand reaching up from the ground. The last boss Ergoth in HoM drops the Wings of Ergoth.
![]() School At Tham Mirdain |
![]() Caerlugs Arm |
![]() Thaguzgs Armour |
![]() Wings Of Ergoth |
![]() Whitenand Shield |
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Lotro Tell the Community Team |
If I were a GM, ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum! Maybe this sound to you like a joke but Turbine is giving us a rare opportunity to improve its GM service. So If you have an idea on how to do that share your thoughts in this week' Tell the Community Team Thread.
Question 1
You’re put in charge of a developer event (e.g. play with the devs, irc chat, Q&A, etc). What would you do? Be creative!
Question 2
If you could change anything about our Game Masters (GM) policies or abilities, what 3 changes would you make?
Question 3
If you could take one feature from any other game (even non-MMOs) and add it to LOTRO, what would it be?
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A Long Walk for a little hobbit |
A little Hobbit Briarflower level 41is walking (not running) from Thorin's Hall to Rivendell, then to Angmar, then back to the Shire. If you happen to see her feel free to wave at her or to help her in this adventure. Her story is beautifully illustrated with breathtaking screenshots and we think you should read it. We would like to share with you some screenshots to tickle your imagination.
![]() Snow Shoes |
![]() Swan harp |
So here it goes .... A Long Walk