
Lotro Cosmetic Shields

You have probably noticed that high level heavy shields are too small with almost the same shields graphic. Some of the players thought that a cosmetic shield slot might be solution.

There are two different systems involved: the appearance system, that governs what the avatar wears, and the equipment system, that governs what the avatar wields. They're entirely different, and the work done on the one system doesn't easily port to the other. We want to do it. I really want to do it. But it's a lot of work, that gets prioritized against lots of other work.


Could we at least get different racial crafting recipes for shields, like is done with armor in the earlier armor tiers?

As it happens, speaking for myself, I regret that decision we made. I asked for it, because there were a lot of armor appearances that were too uncommon, since crafting only produced one appearance style. I wanted more of the art to be more easily accessible.

But it became a less than optimal decision because it threw the loot recipe ratios completely out of whack, which then created more work that was not anticipated. Then when the outfit system came in, the variety in crafting styles mattered a whole lot less. So while I thought it was a simple suggestion, it turned out to be more costly and less important than it seemed at the time. Lesson learned there.


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Lotro Rejected Horse Designs

A few days ago Turbine has announced a horse design contest - opportunity to submit your very own design for a horse which could be taken and implemented into the game as a player mount in a future content update.

With a new contest, there is always a fun topic Rejected Horse Designs.

Rejected Horse Design 1

Rejected Horse Design 2

Rejected Horse Design 3

Rejected Horse Design 4

Rejected Horse Design 5

Rejected Horse Design 6

Rejected Horse Design


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New Instances Loot Lists

With new Lotro Book 8 epic story,  two new 3-man, one new 6-man and one 12-man instances the ultimate goal is to have the best gear. This page has been created by Snoman73 as a reference for people looking for what/where items drop. If you have found any new loot, please let us know and we will add it to this list.

Click here to see new Instances Loot Lists

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New Welcome Back Week

After latest content update to LOTRO, Book 8: Scourge of Khazad-dum, Turbine has announced a week of free gameplay from July 9th through July 15th. There is also a +25% bonus experience boost on mob kills for everyone playing on those days!

  • Play your old characters for free!
  • Get a 25% experience bonus all week long
  • Plus! Experience new content from Book 8: Scourge of Khazad- dum
    • The Scourge is Rising!
      • Aid the elves to fight back the rising plague
  • New 12-Person Raid!
    • Battle a new pestilence in Moria
  • Two Small Group Instances
    • Light up the Mirror Halls or solve the puzzle of the Water Works
 If you need to re-download the LOTRO client, the latest version can be found here:
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Design a Horse Contest

LOTRO fans, it's time to show your artistic and creative skills: Turbine is giving you the opportunity to submit your very own design for a horse which could be taken and implemented into the game as a player mount in a future content update.

Below you can find the design template to use when creating your unique design. Please note, you only need to complete the side on view to complete a successful entry. The top-down and front views are there for additional details if you wish to provide them.

The areas of customization on the mount include:

  • Horse's color and marking
  • Horse blanket pattern and color
  • Horse saddle

In addition to having your horse design immortalized in the live game, the winning entry will also receive a Turbine goodie bag and a unique forum title. Two runners up will also be awarded the Turbine goodie bags and forum prizes.

Click here to see some of the existing horse designs currently in The Lord of the Rings Online

More information about Terms and Conditions

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Describe your sex life in one LotRO term

Today I saw this post, and at first I was not interested in open it, but when I did it, it made my day 🙂 The title tells you what you can expect.

  • You are not facing your target
  • Missed
  • The target is out of range
  • Cooldown remaining: 7 Days
  • Solo Instance
  • The target has entered anti-exploit mode
  • You do not have permission to use that
  • Connection failed
  • Using that has no effect
  • Monster players cannot do that
  • Entering Mines of Moria

and much more ... forums.lotro.com

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Server Downtime Friday July 1, 2009

The LOTRO Game Servers will be brought down on Wednesday, July 1 from 12:00PM - 2:00PM Eastern (-4 GMT) for a hotfix to address performance related issues. This is a server-side change. No client update is required.

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Book 8 tomorrow on EU servers

Latest news from twitter/LOTRO_Europe

Book 8: Scourge of Khazad-dum will be going live on the EU servers tomorrow!

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Lotro Coming to China in the Second Half of 2009

After North America, Europe, Russia and South Korea, CDC Games, a business unit of CDC Corporation announced today that it expects to launch The Lord of the Rings Online in China during the second half of 2009. CDC Games holds the exclusive distribution rights in China for The Lord of the Rings Online.

The China-based version is expected to have significant changes from the version launched in North America and Europe.

More details on earthtimes.org

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Map quest deed progression buggy

The issue is affecting any repeatable quest. This includes quests in Moria, Lothlorien, and the Ettenmoors.

Any repeatable quest that you had open when book 8 went live should be cancelled. If you complete it and turn it in it will reset the counter on that quest. For places like Lorien and Moria this isn't as large an issue as those quests do not grant deeds or items for the most part and you cannot lose anything proviously earned.

In the Ettenmoors however, it will reset the counters on your deeds and map progressions. You will not lose maps you've already earned but you will lose progress towards the next set and have to start over.

Cancel any repeatable quest you currently have open and you'll avoid the issue.


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