
Book 8 Crit Items Changes

Optional ingredients for many recipes were previously dropped by specific monsters in specific areas. New optional ingredients have been added for the Cooking, Jeweller, Metalsmith, Scholar, Tailor, Weaponsmith, and Woodworker professions. These new optional ingredients replace the old optional ingredients, which can no longer be found in treasure or used in recipes. A new Trophy Broker NPC, located in Michel Delving, will exchange any old optional ingredient you might have for the appropriate new optional ingredient.

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Hall of Mirrors Lumul-nar ZirakZigel

Book 8 brings us two new 3-man, one new 6-man and one 12-man Dar Narbugud instances plus Epic Book 8.

The instances are:

  1. Water-Wheels - 3 man in the Waterworks,
  2. Hall of Mirrors - 3 man Lumul-nar in ZirakZigel,
  3. Hall of Crafting - 6 man in Flaming Deeps beside the forges and Fil Gashan,
  4. 12-man Dar Narbugud instances - 12 man raid in the Foundations of stone. The entrance to Dar Narbugud is actually next to DD. Just swing a left as you head to the entrance from the mustering horn and on over the bridge

Continue reading Hall of Mirrors Lumul-nar 3-man Instance

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Book 8 Water Wheels Screenshots

Upcoming Lord of the Rings Online free content expansion, Book 8: Scourge of Khazad-dum is announced for June. Today, Turbine has released new screenshots of awesome Water Wheels. We hope more screenshots and concept art will be published very soon.

Click here to visit Water Wheels gallery.

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Book 8 Guardian Changes and New Set

We continue our  Book 8 list of changes with next class - Guardian. Like all other classes Guardians can expect some changes and new armour sets coming up with Volume II, Book 8: Scourge of Khazad-dum. Read more about Guardians changes and take a look at new Armour sets.

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Book 8 Weaponsmith Changes

The amount of information about upcoming Book 8 has unexpectedly grown. New optional ingredients have been added for Weaponsmiths. A new NPC in the Loth Vinyards sells guild-type recipes for Weaponsmith weapon.

Continue reading Book 8 Weaponsmith Changes.

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Book 8 Woodworker Changes

As a dev pointed out, there is a new NPC in the Loth Vinyards called a "Lothlorien Crafting Guild Emissary." He sells guild-type recipes for many of the Loth-specific teal items, including woodworker weapons. Turbine has also announced new changes for Woodworkers with upcoming Book 8. So we've decided to collect all information about woodworkers and the result is Book 8 Woodworker changes and Lothlorien Crafting Guild Emissary with Gallery.

All credits for screenshots go to M1sterZer0.

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Rune-Keeper Book 8 Set

While we are waiting for two new 3-mans, one new 6-man and a 12-man plus epic book instances our main idea is to collect as much information as we can about Rune-Keeper, we are happy to share with you new Book 8 Rune-Keeper sets - The Lady's Foresight set and The Rune-Learner's Armour

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Book 8 Burglar Set

Few days ago Zombie_Columbus has announced Burglar Book 8 updates. With Book 7 we thought new set will be presented, but we had to wait till Book 8. As part of the latest Lotro update new Burglar armour set is waiting for you - The Lady's Secrecy.

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Book 8 Minstrel Changes


* The Minstrel skill Call to Greatness will now apply level appropriate versions of Shields Up and Guardian's Ward to Wardens and Guardians respectively.
* As expected in Book 7, we've had to tone down the IA damage progressions for the Minstrel to keep his IA contribution to DPS in line with his class role. This will allow us to maintain the 1-50 experience we want to see from the class.

Legendary Items

* Minstrels and Wardens will have all points spent on their legendary items refunded in response to changes made to their legacies so they can re-spend them accordingly.

General Items of Interest for Minstrels

* The Strange Happenings Raid (aka Turtle Raid) now has some additional 1st Age and 2nd Age swords made in the likeness of the Filikul Spears.
* Adjusted the stats on the following crafted sets of medium armour to improve the usefulness of the armour sets for Hunters, Burglars, and Wardens:

* Footman's Armour /Fine Footman's Armour
* Scout's Armour / Superior Scout's Armour
* Herald's Armour / High Herald's Armour
* Marchwarden's Armour / Majestic Marchwarden's Armour

* Adjusted the stats on the following crafted sets of armour to improve the usefulness of the armour sets for Lore-masters, Minstrels, and Rune-keepers:

* Superb Radiant / Exquisite Radiant (Includes Dwarf-make, Elven, and Westernesse versions)
* Rock-climber's Armour / Rugged Rock-climber's Armour
* Searcher's Armour / Superior Searcher's Armour
* Treasure-hunter's Armour / Transcendent Treasure-hunter's Armour
* Master's Armour / Magnificent Master's Armour
* New Supreme Burglar's signal recipes can now be found in treasure.

Click here for Book 8 Minstrel Lady's Grace set Gallery

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Dar Narbugud (12-man raid)

The majority of the instance is +110 Dread, but you get an additinonal + 50 dread from bosses.

We do not require the hope chain anywhere. We made it so that if you are geared for Watcher, you are fighting in +30 gloom and if you are geared for DN you are fighting in +30 gloom. amlug

Click here to see Dar Narbugud (12-man raid), Quests, Bosses, Entrance and Rewards

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