Today, Turbine has released a new Developer Diary video and screenshots from The Lord of the Rings Online: Rise of Isengard expansion. A new video features members of the development team speaking about Isengard and new screenshots depict action within the new Isengard region.
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New Lotro Rise of Isengard Video and Screenshots |
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Talk Like a Pirate Lotro Event |

The Lord of the Rings Online team announced new events "Tale of the Shipwrecked Mariner". This special event only happens once a year in September as a celebration of the Talk Like A Pirate Day.
Avast mateys! Gather round ‘n ye shall hear the tale of the shipwrecked Mariner, and a tale of woe and trouble it be! Search the banks of the Brandywine for the lost crates and barrels from a doomed supply ship. Ye’ll be rewarded for yer efforts with piratey gear from the thankful crew. Ye may even run across a few treasure chests the shifty fellows failed to mention! This special event only happens once a year in September, so don’t ye miss yer chance! Arrrgggggh!
There are also Pirate's Day Accessories in the LOTRO Store like Black Corsair Hat, Black Corsair Eyepatch and Short-sleeved Corsair's Tunic and Pants.
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LOTRO Store Sales starting September 16th |
Starting September 16th until September 22nd, 2011 Turbine is offering new Store Sales:
- Quest Packs 20% OFF: 476TP - 636TP (Free for VIP)
Experience Middle-earth to its fullest by journeying to each unique region and completing the Road to Isengard! Throughout your travels you will encounter iconic places and people such as the Lady Galadriel in the breathtaking city of Caras Galadhon. Take heed of the dangers that lie within, for they can be most deadly, especially with the Rise of Isengard on the horizon!
Store Location: Account > Quests & Content > Quest Packs
Levels: Varies - Legacies 20% OFF: 156TP-636TP
Customize your Legendary Items the way that you want! Replace legacies with ones that are more appropriate to your needs. When you have the right legacies in your Legendary Items, you'll be able to deal more damage, heal more effectively, generate higher threat, and more!
Store Location: Goods & Services > Legendary Items > Legacies
Levels: 50+ - Skill Deed Boosts 20% OFF: 40TP-360TP
Unlock your Class Traits even faster by doubling the rate of progress of Class Skill Deeds for 30-60 minutes and bypass the daily skill deed limit! Single & 5-stacks available.
Store Location: Buffs & Boosts > Advancement Buffs > Deed
Levels: 10+ - Slayer Deed Accelerators 20% OFF: 60TP-360TP
Increase the size of your quest log, earn virtues, titles, and even Turbine Points by completing deeds! Earn double-rewards for slaying Goblins, Spiders and more for 30-60 minutes! Single & 5-stacks available.
Store Location: Buffs & Boosts > Advancement Buffs > Deed
Levels: 5+
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New LOTRO Store coming in the near future |
LOTRO Store Team announced today new improvements to Store which are not just related to the look of the store but also the Store functionality. Important changes that have been made are:
Continue reading
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New Lotro Gear and Legendary Weapons Screenshots |
Today, Turbine has released a new batch of screenshots including: Dragonclaw gear, Burglar set and new Legendary Weapons
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Gap of Rohan Dev Diary Video and Screenshots |
Turbine has released a new video and screenshots from The Lord of the Rings Online: Rise of Isengard, the upcoming expansion. A new Developer Diary video features members of the development team speaking about the new Gap of Rohan region and new screenshots depict action within the Gap of Rohan.
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Rise of Isengard Expansion will be available in the LOTRO Store |
Turbine has finally revealed the point costs for Rise of Isengard Expansion. Players will be able to purchase and experience Isengard on DAY ONE by purchasing its components from the LOTRO Store using Turbine Points.
The break down below shows you what features will cost and when they will be available. Please be aware that the store doesn’t allow for a ‘pre-purchase’ option so the Expansion instances cannot actually be purchased until they are released as part of Update 5. This is also why they’re not included in any of the bundles listed below.
Isengard Expansion Quests - 3250 Turbine Points
Available in the LOTRO Store September 27 (Isengard Launch) for 3250 Turbine Points
Over 375 Quests and more than 40 Deeds for characters level 66-75 in the following regions
- Dunland -- Adventure amidst the bright forests in the foothills of the southern Misty Mountains. Beware the Dunland Clans, rugged warriors tempted by the dark promise of power.
- Gap of Rohan -- Battle over the legendary pass between Eriador and the plane of Rohan. This key strategic point must be defended against the ambitions of Sauron.
- Isengard -- Explore Orthanc, one of the iconic Two Towers as it rises over the once beautiful Isengard valley. The once beautiful vale now desecrated beyond imagination by the Wizard Saruman the betrayer.
Raid: Draigoch’s Lair - 1250 Turbine Points
Available in the LOTRO Store September 27 (Isengard Launch) for 1250 Turbine Points
- Face the ancient evil of Draigoch, one of the most powerful creatures in Middle-earth! Prepare for the ultimate challenge where nothing less than the strength of an entire force of 24 heroes stands the chance of victory
Derudh’s Stone - 995 Turbine Points
Available in the LOTRO Store September 27 (Isengard Launch) for 995 Turbine Points
A permanent pocket item that grants +25% XP on Monster Kills when equipped. This item binds to the purchasing character. Usable by characters level 1-64.
Expansion Instances - 1495 Turbine Points
Available with Update 5, currently slated for December, for 1495 Turbine Points
- One 12-player instance
- One 6-player instance
- Three 3-player instances
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Changes to new Lotro stat Finesse |
Today Graalx2 has revealed some new facts about Lotro stat Finesse:
We recently changed the way Finesse is applied to Block/Parry/Evade. Finesse is now converted to a percentage and then the percentage is applied to the target's BPE. It no longer subtracts directly from the rating.
Say you have 2937 finesse. This converts to 9% (using the handy chart posted earlier, no idea if its correct but let's use those numbers for now). Finesse uses the same ratings to percentage conversion as Block/Parry/Evade.
You attack a target with 1226 (4%) Block rating, 1226(4%) Parry rating and 1226(4%) Evade rating.
The target will Block 1% of the time 4-(9/3) = 1%.
The target will Parry 1% of the time.
The target will Evade 1% of the time.
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Double Lotro Bonus Points until September 5th |
Starting September 1st until September 5th, 2011 Lotro players will get Double Bonus Points on all bundle packages in the LOTRO Store.
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New Pet for Lotro Lore-masters |

New Lore-master's pet called a Spirit of Nature is a "healing" pet without auto-attacks. Definitely not something that is preferable but it has three skills:
- Flashing Flank
With Flashing Flank skill the targeted enemy will be Flanked, but the cooldown (one minute) is too long since Eagle and Lurker flank every 15 seconds pretty consistently. - Nature’s Light
With Nature’s Light skill any of your fellowship who attack targeted enemy will receive 5% of their damage back as a heal, but the healing returned is too low. - Nature's Gift
The Nature's Gift skill causes your pet to sacrifice. The sacrifice returns only 10% of the pet max morale, which is also too low.
There is a great discussion on the official forums and we hope Devs will listen to some suggestions.
We would like to thank Failmaster for the screenshots!