Lotro players will be happy to know that the much-awaited Update 3: Lost Legends of Eriador will officially be launched on Monday, May 23. We have listed the main changes and those of you who like to know all about upcoming Update 3 should check out the Turbine Official Release Notes :
New Scaled Instances
Two new scaled instances are now available!
Inn of the Forsaken
- Levels 20-65 (Scaling)
- Size: 3 Person Instance
- Rewards: New armor, jewelry and cosmetic items.
Read the Developer Diary for More information.
Halls of Night
- Levels: 40-65 (scaling)
- Size: 3 Person Instance
- Rewards: New armor, weapons and pocket items.
Read the Developer Diary for More information.
New Skirmishes
Two new skirmishes are available for Players level 30-65! New armour and Jewellery are available at Skirmish Vendors.
Attack at Dawn – Offensive Skirmish
Read the Developer Diary for More information.
The Icy Crevasse – Offensive
Read the Developer Diary for More information.
It's the Little Things that count
The following items have been changed or added to the game based on player feedback & suggestions.
- The Title panel now allows you to search for specific titles.
- The map notes for stable-masters now display their location name in their tooltips.
- Three new Community Designed relics have been added to the melding panel!
- Critical Success during relic forging now has a small chance to provide additional relics in addition to bonus shards.
- Edhelharn Tokens can now be stacked to a max of 20.